日期: 2014/07/28 – 2014/07/31
收生人數: 24人

環境污染已經成為制約經濟發展的一大瓶頸,其中霧霾更成為近來人們最為關切的問題,而汽車的尾氣是造成霧霾的主要元兇之一。為徹底解決這一個問題,研發和提倡使用潔淨能量來推動的汽車是不二的選擇。而在推廣普及的過程中,需要運用一系列的機電工程知識使其達到節能減排的目標。因此, 本夏令營“環保能源及燃料電池車輛設計夏令營”將向學生們灌輸環保車輛的運作原理及應用、環保車輛模型製作實習等知識,從而讓青少年及早學習和接觸機電工程知識在環保車輛上的重要性。

Environmental pollution has become a major constraint on economic development. In recent years, the most concerned environmental issue is haze and its cause is mainly due to vehicle emissions. To solve the problem at its root, the best option would be to carry out research and facilitate the use of green energy. The knowledge of electromechanical engineering would be widely used to meet the targets of energy conservation and emissions reduction. Hence, the “Green energy and fuel cell car design camp” will be held in summer 2014. This camp will cover the theory; application and modelling of environmentally-friendly vehicles, so that teenagers will be enriched with electromechanical engineering knowledge.

7月28日 | 28 JULY 7月29日| 29 JULY 7月30日 | 30 JULY 7月31日 | 31 JULY
Mechanical characterization & testing of metals
E-friendly vehicle operation principle & application
3D modelling and printing technology
Assembly of DIY fuel cell car
Theory & application of green energy.
Application of ergonomic to E-friendly vehicle design
DIY環保能源車輛比賽DIY fuel cell car competition