Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) SHEN from the University of Waterloo, Canada, gave a talk entitled “Automated Driving and Connected Vehicles” at the Faculty of Science and Technology on 23 April 2019. Vehicles are becoming more and more important transportation tool in our daily life. To achieve faster, safer and environment friendly transportation system, vehicular communications network plays a key role. At the talk, Prof. Shen introduced the current status and future development of automated driving, and discussed about the quality requirements of related applications in terms of service coverage, bandwidth provision, and delay requirement. Then, Prof. Shen presented the challenges and scientific research issues of vehicular communications networks in automated driving era. Space-Air-Ground integrated vehicular network was proposed as an efficient way to address these problems. However the integrated network is a complicated system. It is composed of three layers of networks and involved in multiple components including vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to infrastructure, vehicle to cloud, vehicle to sensor, etc. Prof. Shen presented the challenging issues about how to achieve the efficiency of the integrated system and shared his latest research results with respects of algorithm design, access control and resource allocation. Prof. Shen also demonstrated the developed simulation platform of Space-Air-Ground Integrated vehicular network.