Liang GAO

Liang GAO高亮
Assistant Professor

Academic Qualification

  • 2013/08-2016/11 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • 2009/09-2011/06 M.Eng. in Tsinghua University
  • 2005/08-2009/07 B.Eng. in Tsinghua University

Professional Experience

  • 2019/10-present Assistant Professor, University of Macau, Macau, China
  • 2018/03-2019/09 Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Oklahoma-National weather center, USA
  • 2016/10-2018/02 Postdoctoral research fellow, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
  • 2013/08-2016/08 Teaching assistant (part time), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
  • 2011/07-2013/07 Assistant engineer, Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulic and Estuary, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
  • 2009/09-2011/06 Teaching assistant (part time), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Research Interests

  • Numerical simulation of storm-related hazards in an urban watershed; Integrated modelling of hazard processes including landslides, debris flows, floods; Integration of remotely-sensed data with numerical models.
  • Hydrodynamic and water quality modelling of an estuary or a coastal area; Numerical modelling of storm surge hazard; Distributed hydraulic modelling combined with drainage networks in urban settings.
  • Disaster mechanisms and resilience of hazard-affected communities and cities; Ecological estuary; Smart city.

Research Projects

  • 2022-2025 Decision support system and virtual reality technologies for analyzing and mitigating flood hazards, 1,371,000 MOP, Macau – Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), PI
  • 2022-2024 Building up an early-warning platform for urban floods based on the IoT monitoring system and numerical modelling, 1,000,000 RMB, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, PI
  • 2023-2025 Modelling the dynamic processes of debris flows and the uncertainties in an urban environment, 300,000 RMB, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI
  • 2020-2023 Numerical modelling of typhoon-induced storm surges and floods in Macau, 1,539,000 MOP, Macau – Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), PI
  • 2022-2023 Remote Sensing Information Processing and Its Application in the Urban Environment, 30,000 USD, Alliance of International Science Organizations(ANSO), PI
  • 2023-2024 The Propagation and Interaction of Tide, River Discharge, and Storm Surge in the Makou-Dahengqin Tidal Reach of Pearl River Estuary, 300,000 HKD, Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE), PI
  • 2022-2023 Modelling the impacts of climate change and human activities on storm surges and floods in Macao, 400,000 HKD, Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE), PI
  • 2020-2021 Flood Coping Capabilities under Storms in Metropolitan Area, 400,000 HKD, Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE), PI
  • 2020-2022 Characterizing the spatial variations and correlations of rainstorms in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 150,000 MOP, University of Macau, PI
  • 2022-2023 Multi-scale Modelling of Rain-induced hazards in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 520,000 MOP, University of Macau, PI
  • 2023-2024 Modelling the compound floods upon combined rainfall and storm surge events in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area under a changing climate, 432,000 MOP, University of Macau, PI
  • 2024-2026 Predicting the storm surges and floods in Pearl River Estuary using a new model coupling the physics-guided models and machine learning methods, 320,000 MOP, University of Macau, PI
  • 2020-2023 Smart freshwater monitoring: mobile detection with autonomous surface vessel and urban water simulation, 130,000 MOP, Macau – Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), Co-I

Professional Services

  • Reviewers: Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Water Resources Research, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Journal of cleaner production, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Natural hazards review, Journal of Mountain Science, Gondwana Research, and so on.
  • Editorial Board member: Georisk (SCI, Q1); Underground Space (SCI, Q1); Geodata and AI; Journal of Intelligent Construction


Published/Accepted journal papers

  1. Xu, L., Gao, L.* (2024) A hybrid surrogate model for real-time coastal urban flood prediction: An application to Macao, Journal of Hydrology, 642 (2024) 131863.
  2. Ren, T.,  Gong, W.*, Gao, L.*,  Zhao, F. (2024) Understanding land subsidence in the Pearl River Delta region of China based on InSAR observations, Engineering Geology 339, 107646.
  3. Li, S., Peng M.*, Gao, L.*, Xia, C., Zhu, Y. (2024) A 3D SPH framework for simulating landslide dam breaches by coupling erosion and side slope failure, Computers and Geotechnics, in press.
  4. Wang, H., Gao, L.*, Zhu, L., Zhang, L., Wu, J. (2024) Changes in the Typhoon Intensity under a Warming Climate: A Numerical Study of Typhoon Mangkhut, Journal of Climate, 3703-3722.
  5. Peng, M., Li, S., Gao, L.*, Zhu, Y., Zhang, J. (2024) A novel local-drag-force-based approach for simulating wave attenuation by mangrove forests using a 3D-SPH method, Ocean Engineering, 306, 118001
  6. Wu, J., Gao, L.*, Meng, Q.*, Wang, H. (2024) Effect of land cover pattern on rainfall during a landfalling typhoon: A simulation of Typhoon Hato, Atmospheric Research, 303, 107329
  7. Wu, J., Meng, Q.*, Gao, L.*, Zhang, L., Zhao, M., Su, C. (2024) A deep learning framework for 3D vegetation extraction in complex urban environments, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 129, 103798
  8. Du, H.Fei, K.Wu, J.Gao, L.* (2024) An integrative modelling framework for predicting the compound flood hazards induced by tropical cyclones in an estuarine area, Environmental Modelling and Software, 105996.
  9. Zhou, Y.Gao, L.* (2024) Spatiotemporal variations of tropical and non-tropical cyclone-induced rainfall over southeast China and the teleconnections to climatic indices, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 619-636.
  10. Peng, M., Zhang, J., Zhu, Y.*, Gao, L., Li, S., Pan, X.  (2024) Experimental study on wave attenuation and stability of ecological dike system composed of submerged breakwater, mangrove, and dike under storm surge, Applied Ocean Research 151, 104144
  11. Zhao, J., Tan, J., Chen, S.*, Huang, Q., Gao, L., Li, Y., Wei, C. (2024) Intelligent Reconstruction of Radar Composite Reflectivity Based on Satellite Observations and Deep Learning, Remote Sensing 16 (2), 275
  12. Qin, J., Gao, L., Lin, K., Shen, P.*, (2024) A novel and efficient method for real-time simulating spatial and temporal evolution of coastal urban pluvial flood without drainage network, Environmental Modelling & Software 172, 105888
  13. Huang, L., Xu, X., Fang, H., He, G.*, Gao, Q., Wang, K., & Gao, L. (2024). Improved data assimilation for algal bloom dynamics simulation in the Three Gorges Reservoir using particle filter. Science of The Total Environment, 926, 172009.
  14. Dong, H. Huang, S.*, Wang, H., Shi H., Singh V.P., She, D., Huang, Q., Leng, G., Gao, L., Wei, X., Peng, J. (2024) Effects of interaction of multiple large-scale atmospheric circulations on precipitation dynamics in China, Science of The Total Environment, 923, 171528
  15. Shen, P., Wei, S., Shi, H., Gao, L., Zhou, W.H.* (2023) Coastal Flood Risk and Smart Resilience Evaluation under a Changing Climate, Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research 2, 0029
  16. Gao, L, Du, H.*, Huang, H.*, Zhang, L., Zhang, P. (2023) Modelling the compound floods upon combined rainfall and storm surge events in a low-lying coastal city, Journal of Hydrology, 627, 130476,
  17. Zhu, H., Chen S., Gao, L.* & Li, Z. (2023) Are there any Differences in the Raindrop Size Distributions between Summer Typhoons and Autumn Typhoons? International Journal of Remote Sensing, 44:20, 6468-6500, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2023.2270110
  18. Zhao, Q., Gao, L.*, Meng, Q.*, Zhu, M., Xiong, M. (2023) Nonlinear causal relationships between urbanization and extreme climate events in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, 139889.
  19. Zhang, R., Chen, S.*, Gao, L., Hu, J. (2023) Spatiotemporal evolution and impact mechanism of ecological vulnerability in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area, Ecological Indicators, 157, 111214
  20. Ren, T., Gao, L.*, Gong, W. * (2023) An ensemble of dynamic rainfall index and machine learning method for spatiotemporal landslide susceptibility modeling, Landslides, 21(2), 257-273. DOI 10.1007/s10346-023-02152-1
  21. Gao, L., Mei J., Li, J.*, Zhang, W., Lai, C. (2023) Effect of intense rainfall and high riverine water level on compound flood hazards in a river-valley city: A case study of Yingde, China, Journal of Hydrology, 625, 130044,
  22. Zhou, Y., Du, H., Gao, L.* (2023) Spatial correlations of regional tropical cyclone- and non-tropical cyclone-induced severe rainstorms during 2000-2019, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 24(10),1863–1881. DOI:
  23. Fei, K., Du, H., Gao, L.* (2023) The contribution of typhoon local and remote forcings to storm surge along the Makou-Dahengqin tidal reach of Pearl River Estuary, Science of the Total Environment, 899, 165592.
  24. Chen, L., Wang, Z., Li, X., Gao, L.* (2023) Enhancing the accuracy of the scale of fluctuation estimating for tunnel surrounding rock mass properties, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 170, 105513.
  25. Fei, K., Du H., Gao, L.* (2023) Accurate water level predictions in a tidal reach: Integration of Physics-based and Machine learning approaches, Journal of Hydrology, 622, 129705.
  26. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, Hong Y., Chen H.X.*, Feng, S.J., (2023) Flood hazards in urban environment, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazard, 17(2), 241-261.Spotlight Research Paper,
  27. Long, Z., Gao, L.* (2023) Estimating the combined risks of sea level rise and storm surges using a numerical model: Application to Macao, Journal of Cleaner Production, 407, 137155.
  28. Du, H., Yu, P., Zhu, L., Fei, K., Gao, L.* (2023) Assessing the performances of parametric wind models in predicting storm surges in the Pearl River Estuary, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 232, 105265.
  29. Yang, D., Yuen, K.V., Gu, X., Sun, C., Gao, L.* (2023) Influences of environmental factors on the dissipation of green tides in the Yellow Sea, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin 189, 114737.
  30. Li, Z., Chio S.N., Gao, L.*, Zhang, P.* (2023) Assessing the algal population dynamics using multiple machine learning approaches: Application to Macao reservoirs, Journal of Environmental Management 334, 117505.
  31. Qin, N., Lu, Q, Fu, G., Wang, J., Fei, K., Gao, L.* (2023) Assessing the drought impact on sugarcane yield based on crop water requirements and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index, Agricultural Water Management 275, 108037.
  32. Li, X., Li, X.*, Wu, Y, Gao, L. (2023) A novel unsaturated drainage layer in capillary barrier cover for slope protection, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 82 (4), 108.
  33. Zhao, Y., Tang, Q.*, Wu, T., Gao, L., Hu, G., Li, X., Zheng, D., Wang, X. (2023). Effects of soil parameterization on permafrost modeling in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A calibration-constrained analysis. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 103833.
  34. Zhang, L.*, Wu, F., Wei, X., Yang, H.Q., Fu, S., Huang, J., Gao, L. (2023) Polynomial chaos surrogate and bayesian learning for coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of soil slope, Rock Mechanics Bulletin 2 (1), 100023.
  35. Chen, H.X., Xue, Q.P., Ma, Z. P., Gao, L., Feng, S.J.* (2023) Experimental study on barrier performance and durability under dry-wet cycles of fly ash based geopolymer cutoff wall backfill, Construction and Building Materials 368, 130415.
  36. Chen, H.X., Feng, S.J.*,  Zhu, Z.W., Gao, L., Chen, Z.L., Wang S.R., One-dimensional self-weight consolidation of layered soil under variable load and semi- permeable boundary condition, Computers and Geotechnics 159 (2023) 105431
  37. Zheng, S. F., Liu, Y., Zhang, N., Li, X., Gao, L. (2022). Experimental Studies on Shape and Size Effects on Particle Breakage of Railway Ballast. Transportation Geotechnics, 100883.
  38. Zhou, Y., Li, X., Tang, Q., Kuok, S. C., Fei, K.Gao, L.* (2022). An Assimilating Model Using Broad Learning System for Incorporating Multi‐Source Precipitation Data With Environmental Factors Over Southeast China. Earth and Space Science, 9(4).
  39. Liu, B., Tang, Q.*, Zhao, G., Gao, L., Shen, C., Pan, B. (2022). Physics-Guided Long Short-Term Memory Network for Streamflow and Flood Simulations in the Lancang–Mekong River Basin. Water, 14(9), 1429.
  40. Hao, N., Li, X., Li, Y., Jia, J.*, Gao, L. (2022). A novel reliability-based method of calibrating safety factor: Application to the cemented sand and gravel dams. Engineering Geology, 106719.
  41. Fei, K., Chen, M., Zhou, Y., Du, H., Deng, S., Gao, L.* (2022). Streamflow and surface soil moisture simulation capacity of high-resolution Satellite-derived precipitation estimate datasets: A case study in Xijiang river basin, China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 42, 101163.
  42. Yang, H. Q., Zhang, L., Gao, L.*, Phoon, K. K., Wei, X. (2022). On the importance of landslide management: Insights from a 32-year database of landslide consequences and rainfall in Hong Kong. Engineering Geology, 299, 106578.
  43. Tang, J., Chen, S., Li, Z., Gao, L. (2022). Mapping the Distribution of Summer Precipitation Types over China Based on Radar Observations. Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3437.
  44. Ren, T., Gong, W., Gao, L., Zhao, F., Cheng, Z. (2022). An Interpretation Approach of Ascending–Descending SAR Data for Landslide Identification. Remote Sensing, 14(5), 1299.
  45. Zhu, H., Chen, S., Li, Z., Gao, L., Li, X. (2022). Comparison of Satellite Precipitation Products: IMERG and GSMaP with Rain Gauge Observations in Northern China. Remote Sensing, 14(19), 4748.
  46. Zhou, Y., Qin, N., Tang, Q., Shi, H., Gao, L.* (2021). Assimilation of Multi-Source Precipitation Data over Southeast China Using a Nonparametric Framework. Remote Sensing, 13(6), 1057.
  47.  Gao, L.*, Zhang, L. M., Chen, H. X., Fei, K., Hong, Y. (2021). Topography and geology effects on travel distances of natural terrain landslides: Evidence from a large multi-temporal landslide inventory in Hong Kong. Engineering Geology, 292, 106266.
  48. Qin, N. X., Wang, J. N.*, Hong, Y., Lu, Q. Q., Huang, J. L., Liu, M. H., Gao, L.* (2021). The drought variability based on continuous days without available precipitation in Guizhou Province, southwest China. Water, 13(5), 660.
  49. Qin, N. X., Wang, J. N., Gao, L.*, Hong, Y., Huang, J. L., & Lu, Q. Q. (2020). Observed trends of different rainfall intensities and the associated spatiotemporal variations during 1958–2016 in Guangxi, China. International Journal of Climatology, 41, E2880-E2895.
  50. Gao, L., Zhang L.M.*, Li X.Y., Zhou S.Y. (2019) Evaluating Metropolitan Flood Coping Capabilities under Heavy Storms. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. 24(6), 05019011.
  51. Zhou, S.Y., Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, (2019) Predicting Debris-Flow Clusters under Extreme Rainstorms: A Case Study on Hong Kong Island. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment., 33: 2537-2553, doi:
  52. Zhong, M., Wang, J., Gao, L.*, Lin, K., Hong, Y. (2019) Fuzzy risk assessment of flash floods using a cloud-based information diffusion approach. Water Resources Management 33(7), 2537–2553.
  53. Feng, S. J., Gao, H. Y., Gao, L., Zhang, L. M., Chen, H. X.* (2019). Numerical modeling of interactions between a flow slide and buildings considering the destruction process. Landslides, 16(10), 1903-1919.
  54. Li, R., Gao, L., Pan, C., Pang, Y.*, (2019) Detecting the mechanisms of longitudinal salinity transport in Qiantang Estuary. Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences,2019: 123-140.
  55. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, Cheung R.W.M. (2018) Relationships between natural terrain landslide magnitudes and triggering rainfall based on a large landslide inventory in Hong Kong. Landslides, 15(4), 727–740.
  56. Ma M., He, B.*, Wan, J., Jia, P., Guo, X., Gao, L., Maguire, L.W., Hong, Y., (2018) Characterizing the Flash Flooding Risks from 2011 to 2016 over China. Water 2018, 10, 704; doi:10.3390/w10060704.
  57. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, Lu, M.Q. (2017) Characterizing the spatial variations and correlations of large rainstorms for landslide study. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21: 4573-4589, doi:
  58. Li, X.Y., Zhang, L.M.*, Gao, L., Zhu, H. (2017). Simplified slope reliability analysis considering spatial soil variability. Engineering Geology, 216: 90-97, doi:
  59. Shen, P., Zhang, L.M.*, Chen, H.X., Gao, L. (2017). Role of vegetation restoration in mitigating hillslope erosion and debris flows. Engineering Geology, 116, 122-133, doi:
  60. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, Chen, H.X. (2017). Two-dimensional simulation of debris flow impact pressures on buildings. Engineering Geology, 226, 236-244. doi:
  61. Chen, H. X., Zhang, L. M., Gao, L., Yuan, Q., Lu, T., Xiang, B., Zhuang, W. L. (2017). Simulation of interactions among multiple debris flows. Landslides, 14(2), 595-615.
  62. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, Chen, H.X., and Shen, P. (2016). Simulating debris flow mobility in urban settings. Engineering Geology, 214: 67-78, doi:
  63. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M.*, Chen, H.X. (2016). Likely scenarios of natural terrain shallow slope failures on Hong Kong Island under extreme storms. Natural Hazards Review, ASCE, B4015001,
  64. Chen, H. X., Zhang, L.M.*, Gao, L., Zhu, H., and Zhang, S. (2015). Presenting regional shallow landslide movement on three-dimensional digital terrain. Engineering Geology, 195: 122-134.
  65. Feng, J.W., Zhang, L.L., Gao, L., Feng, S.J. (2018) Stability of railway embankment under extreme storms. Environmental Geotechnics,

Conference Papers

  1. Zhou, S.Y.*, Zhang, L.M., Gao, L. (2018) Scenarios of Large-Scale Landslides and Debris Flows under Extreme Rainstorms, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management.
  2. Gao, L.*, Zhang, L.M. (2017) Can Empirical Rainfall-Landslide Correlations Be Extended to Future Extreme Storms? 6th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, Denver, ASCE, GSP284.
  3. Zhang, L.M.*, Gao L., Zhou S.Y., Cheung R.W.M., Lacasse, S. (2017) Stress testing framework for managing landslide risks under extreme storms. Workshop on World Landslide Forum.
  4. Gao, L.*, Zhang, L.M. (2016) Numerical simulation of multi-hazards over Hong Kong Island under extreme storms, ISSRI, Taipei, FB2.
  5. Zhang, L.M.*, Gao, L. Lacasse, S. (2016) A preliminary stress testing framework for coping with landslide risks under extreme storms, ISSRI, Taipei, FB2.
  6. Zhang, L.M.*, Chen, H.X., Gao, L. (2016) Prompt assessment of multi-hazard landslide risks, Keynote Lecture paper presented on 6th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications (APSSRA6), Shanghai.
  7. Gao, L., Zhang, L.M. (2015). Spatial characteristics of severe storms in Hong Kong. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 19: 6981-7021, doi:10.5194/hessd-19-1-2015 178.
  8. Gao, L.*, Zhang, L.M. (2015) Preliminary Assessment of Debris Flow Hazard in a Catchment under Extreme Condition. 5th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk, Rotterdam, 540-544.
  9. Gao, L.*, Zhang, L.M. (2014) Flood Hazard over Hong Kong Island under an Extreme Storm. 27th KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Shanghai.
  10. Gao, L.* (2009) About education for qualified hydraulic engineer, Tsinghua Journal of Education (in Chinese) (CSSCI source journal, Chinese core journal). 143-146.

Research Group

PhD student: Dian YANG (co-supervised with Prof. Ka-Veng YUEN and Prof. Xingfa GU), Hong WANG, Jiahao WU(co-supervised with Prof. Qingyan MENG), Mingming ZHU, Yue ZHANG, Lishu XU, Qikang ZHAO (co-supervised with Prof. Qingyan MENG), Kai ZHU, Chi Cheng LEI, Junhua YU(co-supervised with Prof. Qingyan MENG), Xinghao JIAO, Yuqi SHI

Mater student: Jiacheng GUO, Yongyao MA, Qianyi LIU, Wei CHANG, Junyu MO, Jinrou LI, Shengyi, MA

Research Assistant: Tangyao AI, Tianhe REN, Qinqin LU, Huiqin ZHU, Jing TANG, Jiangpeng MEI, Zhichong WANG, Shuang LI, Jianfeng XUE

Postdoc fellow: Haoxuan DU (PhD student during 2020-2024)

Alumni: Kai FEI (PhD student during 2020-2024), assistant professor with China University of Geosciences Beijing; Lok-kei HOI (master student), Solid Engineering in Macao; Zhiyong LONG (master student), PhD student at Hong Kong polytechnic University; Lei ZHU (postdoc in 2022), associate professor with Sun Yat-sen University; Yuanyuan ZHOU (PhD student during 2019-2022), assistant professor with Chengdu University of Information Technology; Jiaxuan HUANG, architect with Guiyang Investigation and Design Institute of Power Construction Corporation of China; Hui HUANG, Integrated Service Centre for Social Affairs for Nansha District, Guangzhou

Contact Details

Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau, E11
Avenida da Universidade, Taipa,
Macau, China

Room: N21-5014B
Telephone: (853) 8822-9092
Fax: (853) 8822-2426
Email: gaoliang