University of Macau (UM) successfully passed the rigorous evaluation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and obtained the approval for establishing the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (SKL-AMSV) in 2011. SKL-AMSV is financially supported by the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) and UM. The objectives of SKL-AMSV is to establish an excellent R&D platform in the area of advanced analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems that meet the State and international standards. SKL-AMSV focuses on cutting-edge research projects which are important in the development and advances of various electronics systems including Data conversion and signal processing, Wireless communication, Biomedical engineering and Integrated Power ICs. SKL-AMSV published 163 international journal papers, 203 international conference papers, 9 books or book chapters, and 29 patents were granted.
The most significant result of the SKL-AMSV team is the continuous contribution of 33 papers/chips in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) from 2011 to 2019, which is the flagship conference of the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society that serves as a premier forum, and the topmost world-benchmark conference, for presenting advances in solid-state circuits. AMSV has published 33 papers in this period, 6 papers in 2017, 7 papers in 2018, and 8 papers in 2019. Considering the first affiliation, from the publication in 2017 (6 papers) and 2018 (7 papers), AMSV is ranked the 3rd and 5th correspondingly in the World. AMSV published 8 papers in 2019 and is ranked 2nd in the World, next only to Intel.
AMSV has nurtured 42 Ph.D. graduates since the founding of the laboratory in microelectronics research. Many of them have been employed by the leading companies and institutes in the field all over the world. Besides academic careers at UM as professors, associate professors, assistant professors and UM Macao Fellow, graduates of the AMS-VLSI Lab have been employed by leading companies and institutes in the field, such as Synopsys, Qualcomm, Silicon Labs, Marvell Technology Group, STMicroelectronics, Huawei, Solomon Systech, MediaTek, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
AMSV also obtains 50 international and national awards, including the first awardee of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation Award from Macao. The awards also include 8 Macau Scientific and Technology Invention Awards in 2012 to 2018, 2 Business Awards of Macau in 2013 and 2014, and 3 Honorary Title of Value from Macao SAR, IEEE SSCS Best Chapter Award and CASS Best Chapter Award, 1 ISSCC Far-East Best Paper Award, 2 ISSCC Silk-Road Awards, and 5 IEEE SSCS Pre-Doctoral Achievement Awards. There are 1 Academician of Portuguese Academy of Sciences (in Lisbon), 1 Overseas Expert of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 3 IEEE Fellows and 1 IET Fellow. One of the IEEE Fellow is the first native of Macao to receive this prestigious honor.

The 1st National Science and Technology Award ever in Macau (at 2011)
The AMSV’s 1st Macau Science and Technology Invention Award (at 2012)
Macau Science and Technology Invention Award 2nd Class (2014)
Macau Science and Technology Invention Award 2nd Class (left) and 3rd Class (right) (2016)
Macau Science and Technology Invention Award 2nd Class (2018)
Macau Science and Technology Invention Award 1st Class (left) and 2nd Class (right) (2020)
Research Focus
To develop circuit techniques devoted to practical problems, to invent new concept-to-solution designs to underpin the development of wireless industry, and to develop advanced micro/hybrid systems that can be applicable to human beings, with research in biology and chemistry, and also to focus on innovative research and development of high-performance data conversion and signal processing analog front-ends ICs and integrated power ICs. Several key directions are highlighted:
- Ultra-low-power ZigBee and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radios for low-power low-cost wireless connectivity such as Internet of Things.
- Wideband flexible receivers and transmitters for 5G communications.
- Micro-power analog circuits with enhanced performances, power and area efficiencies.
- Electronics-automated digital microfluidics with software-defined intelligence.
- Portable nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) electronics for precision medicine.
- Ultra-low-power solar-powered CMOS/beyond-CMOS sensing chips.
- Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs)
- Video/ Audio Codecs
- Power converters
- Data conversion interface for wireless and wireline communication
- Signal processing analog frontends for sensors and autonomous systems
- High efficiency, wide input range, wide load current range, and fast response power management DC-DC converters, low dropout regulators, etc.
Relevant Faculty Members
Relevant Laboratories
Highlights and Projects
- Projects
- Low-Phase-Noise Wideband Oscillators and Frequency Synthesizers for 5G mm-Wave Transceivers in CMOS應用於5G毫米波頻段收發器的低相噪寬頻振盪器與頻率綜合器, YIN Jun
- Research on Key Technologies of Millimeter Wave Sampling Ultra-High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter毫米波採樣超高速數模轉換器晶片關鍵技術研究, ZHU Yan
- Pico-pipette in Digital Microfluidic System for Precise Sample Delivery with Wide Range數字微流控上精確的大量程皮升樣品傳遞, JIA Yanwei
- Ultra Low Power Analog Edge Computing Artificial Intelligence Chip for Internet-of-Things應用於物聯網的超低功耗模擬邊緣計算人工智能芯片, UN Ka Fai
- Research and Development of Ultra-low-power PUF circuits for emerging IoT Systems用於新興物聯網系統用的超低功耗物理反複製技術電路研究與開發, ZHU Yan
- Hybrid DC-DC Converter with High Efficiency High Power Density and Large Voltage Conversion Ratio高效率高功率密度大電壓轉換比的混合型DC-DC轉換器, LU Yan
- An integrated design for Real-time Closed Loop Optogenetic Neural Control (CLONC) system for advanced neuroscience applications應用於高端腦神經研究的實時閉環光基因遺傳法腦神經控制系統的集成設計, PUN Sio Hang
- Research on Power Management System for Multi-core CPU應用於多核CPU的電源管理系統研究, HUANG Mo
- SeaSenseX – Next-generation microsensors for marine mutagens and carcinogens SeaSenseX – 用於海洋誘變和致癌物質檢測的新一代微傳感器, LAW Man Kay
- Research on Key Control Technologies of Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicles電動汽車動態無線供電系統關鍵控制技術研究, LAM Chi Seng
- Ultra-Low-Voltage (sub-0.5V) Single-Crystal-Multi-Clock Reference System for Energy-Harvesting IoT Devices應用於獵能物聯網裝置之超低電壓單石英晶體多時脈訊號系統, LEI Ka Meng
- High Efficiency, Low Quiescent Current and Wide Output Current Range DC-DC Converter for IoT and Wearable Applications 高效能、低靜態電流及寬輸出電流範圍DC-DC轉換器於物聯網及可穿戴設備應用, Chi Seng LAM, Sai Weng SIN, Man Kay LAW
- Study of Background Calibration Techniques of Split-Type Analog-to-Digital Converters with Nested and Parallel Split ADC Calibration 嵌套式及幷行式分離校準之模數轉換器背景校準技術研究, Sai Weng SIN, Rui Paulo Da Silva Martins
- A PVT-Robust Low-Jitter Fractional-N Local Oversampling Digital PLL Using Direct Digital Waveform Synthesis for Next Generation Wideband Wireless Transceivers應用於下一代寬帶無綫收發機的採用直接數字波形合成以抵抗工藝溫度及電壓波動的低抖動小數分頻局部過採樣數字鎖相環, Jun YIN, Pui In MAK
- Integrated circuits development for closed loop optogenetic neural control withreal time electrode diagnosis兼具實時電極監測幷應用於光基因遺傳腦神經閉環控制技術之芯片開發, Sio Hang PUN, Mang I VAI, Peng Un MAK, Boomadevi Sekar (Ulster University)
- Research on Low Power Techniques for Highly Integrated Transmission System based on the Direct RF Sampling基於直接射頻採樣的高集成傳輸系統的低功耗技術研究, Chi Hang CHAN, Yan ZHU
- Research on Low Power Techniques for Wideband Continuous-time Sigma Delta Modulator Used in Mobile Communications研究用於移動通信中時間連續Σ-Δ調製器的低功耗技術, Yan ZHU, Chi Hang CHAN
- Approximate Computing Analog Processor for Neural Network Applications應用於類神經網絡的模糊計算類比處理器, Ka Fai UN, Jun YIN
- R&D of Techniques for the Key Building Blocks in High Performance Time-interleaved ADCs研發支持高效能時間交織模數轉換器中關鍵模組的技術, Chi Hang CHAN, Yan ZHU
- 3D Micro-structured Digital Microfluidic System with Closed-Loop Image Analysis for Cell Recognition in Precision Medicine Investigations具有閉環細胞圖像處理的三維微結構數字微流控系統用於精准醫療研究, Yanwei JIA, Pui In MAK
- Adaptive PAM4/NRZ Receiver Front Ends with Dynamic Reference Voltage採用動態參考電壓方案, 自我調整的PAM4/NRZ接收機前端, Pui In MAK, Yong CHEN
- Research and Development of Low Power Analog-to-Digital Converter for Internet of Things application研發用於物聯網應用的低功耗模數轉換器, Yan ZHU, Chi Hang CHAN
- Fully-Integrated Fine-Grained Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters with High Power Density for Energy Harvesting Applications用於能量收集應的高功率密度全集成細粒度開關電容式直流-直流轉換器, Man Kay LAW, Pui In MAK
- Development of an analytical model for large deflection collapsed CMUT for the application of miniaturized pressure sensor 開發應用於薄膜大撓曲坍塌模式電容式超聲傳感器(CMUT)解釋模型及其在微型壓力傳感器的應用, Sio Hang PUN, Peng Un MAK, Mang I VAI
- High-Efficiency Reconfigurable Bidirectional Wireless Power Transceiver for Battery-to-Battery Charging可重構的高效能電池間雙向充電的無線能量收發器, Yan LU
- Decorations and Fellowships
- Pui-In Mak, Fellow (since 2020), Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
- Pui-In Mak, Overseas Expert (since 2018), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
- Pui-In Mak, Fellow (since 2019), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Pui-In Mak, Fellow (since 2018), The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
- Rui Martins, Fellow (since 2008), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Honorable Title of Value, Decoration attributed by the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, 2006
- Rui Martins, Honorary Title of Value, Decoration attributed by the Macao Special Administrative Region Government, 2001
- Rui Martins, Medal of Merit (Class of Professional Merit), Decoration attributed by the Macao Government, 1999
- National and Macao Science and Technology Awards
- Mak Pui In, Yin Jun, Chen Yong, Law Man Kay, Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, “Technological Invention Award-First Prize (Enabling Internet-of-Everything (IoE) Connectivity with Advanced Electronic Chips)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2020
- Chan Chi Hang, Zhu Yan, Lu Yan, Sin Sai Weng, Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, “Technological Invention Award-Second Prize (Leading-Edge-Efficiency Data and Power Conversion Integrated Circuit Designs for Emerging Systems)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2020
- Lu Yan, Law Man Kay, Zhu Yan, Yin Jun, Chan Chi Hang, “Technological Invention Award-Second Prize (Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Technologies Enabling a Smart Macau)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2018
- Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, “Technological Invention Award-Second Prize (Multi-standard Wireless and Multi-physical-sensing Chips for Functionality Extension of Next-generation Smart Mobiles)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2016
- Seng Pan U, Yan Zhu, Sai Weng Sin, Chi Hang Chan, “Technological Invention Award-Third Prize (High Performance Wideband Data Conversion Interfaces for a Evolving Informative World)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2016
- U Seng Pan, Sin Sai Weng, Zhu Yan, Chan Chi Hang, Chio U Fat, “Technological Invention Award-Second Prize (Research and Development of Comprehensive and Advanced Data Conversion Platforms in Nanometer CMOS Technology)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2014
- Mak Pui In, Law Man Kay, Rui Paulo da Silva Martins, “Technological Invention Award-Second Prize (Analog and Radio Frequency Microelectronics Turn-Key Interfaces for Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2014
- P. Martins, U Seng-Pan, Mak Pui In, Sin Sai Weng, ” Technological Invention Award-Second Prize (Analog and Mixed-Signal Interfaces for an Ubiquitous Electronic World)”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2012.
- U Seng-Pan, Mak Pui In, Sin Sai Weng, “Special Award, the Macao Science and Technology Award 2012”, The Science and Technology Development Fund(FDCT), Macau, Oct-2012.
- U Seng-Pan, Mak Pui In, Sin Sai Weng, “National Science and Technology Progress Awards“, Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing, Jan-2012. [First Time in Macau]
- Research Awards
- Xiaoteng Zhao, Yong Chen, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, “Best Paper Award”, IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), Bangkok, Thailand, Nov-2019
- Sai Weng Sin, “Best Paper Award”, IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits, Technologies and Applications, Nov-2019
- Yanwei Jia, “Innovation Award”, The 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics, Jun-2019
- Wei Han Yu, “ISSCC SRP Poster Award (Honorable Mention, co-author), IEEE SSCS, United States, Feb-2019
- Mo Huang, Yan Lu, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, “Takuo Sugano Award for Outstanding Far-East Paper (A Reconfigurable Bidirectional Wireless Power Transceiver with Maximum Current Charging Mode and 58.6% Battery-to-Battery Efficiency)”, IEEE ISSCC 2017, Feb-2018
- Wei Han Yu, Pre-doctoral Achievement Award, IEEE SSCS, United States, Feb-2018
- Mo Huang, Yan Lu, Xiao Ming Xiong, Seng Pan U, R. P. Martins, “Professional Award (An All-Factor Modulation Bandwidth Extension Technique for Delta-Sigma PLL Transmitter)”, IEEE Region 10, Macau, Nov-2015
- Project competitions
- Hai Jie Wen, “1st Runner Up of 2017 IEEE Macau Student Branch Project Competition”, IEEE Macau, Macau, Jun-2017
- Yan Lu, Ziyang Luo, Yuanqing Huang, Fangyu Mao, “National University Integrated Circuit Design Contest, 2nd Prize,”, the Beijing Education Committee and the Beijing Electronic Association, Beijing, China, Aug-2016
- Honors
- Wei Han Yu, “IEEE Young Professionals Hall of Fame Award”, IEEE, United States, Aug-2020
- Chi Seng Lam, “2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES)”, IEEE Power and Energy Society, USA (28/09/2017), Sep-2017
- Chi Seng Lam, “2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award”, IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES), USA, Jul-2017
- Yan Lu, “IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Outstanding Young Author Award”, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Baltimore, USA, May-2017
- Ka Meng Lei, “2016 Young Researcher Award”, International Institute of Macau – IIM, Macau, Feb-2017
- Ka Meng Lei, “2016-2017 Pre-doctoral Acheivement Award”, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society, San Francisco, Feb-2017
- Wen Liang Zheng, “Scientific and Technological R&D Award”, Macao Science and Technology Award, Macao SAR Government, Macao, China, Oct-2016
- Ka Meng Lei, Hadi Heidari, Pui In Mak, Man Kay Law, Franco Maloberti, R. P. Martins, “ISSCC Silkroad Award”, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, USA, Feb-2016
- Chio In Ieong, Mingzhong Li, Man Kay Law, Pui In Mak, Mang I Vai, R. P. Martins, “ISSCC Student Travel Grant Award”, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (2016), San Francisco, USA, Feb-2016
- Wei Han Yu, Xingqiang Peng, Pui In Mak, R. P. Martins, “ISSCC Student Travel Grant Award”, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (2016), San Francisco, USA, Feb-2016.
- Ka Meng Lei, Pui In Mak, Man Kay Law, R. P. Martins, “A-SSCC Distinguished Design Award”, IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) (2015), Xiamen, China, Feb-2016
- Bo Wang, Man Kay Law, S. Mohamad, A. Bermak, “Best Design Award”, Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC) (2016), Macao, China, Jan-2016