Chengzhong XU (须成忠)

Chair Professor, IEEE Fellow
Computer and Information Science
Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology
Interim Director, Institute of Collaborative Innovation
University of Macau,  Macao SAR, China

Dr. Chengzhong Xu, IEEE Fellow, is the Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology and the Interim Director of Institute of Collaborative Innovation, University of Macau, and a Chair Professor of Computer and Information Science. He was a professor of Wayne State University and the Director of Institute of Advanced Computing of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technologies, Chinese Academy of Sciences before he joined UM in 2019. Dr. Xu is a Chief Scientist of Key Project on Smart City of MOST, China and the principal investigator of the Key Project on Autonomous Driving of FDCT, Macau SAR. 

Dr. Xu’s main research interests lie in parallel and distributed computing and cloud computing, in particular, with an emphasis on resource management for system’s performance, reliability, availability, power efficiency, and security, and in big data and data-driven intelligence applications in smart city and self-driving vehicles. The systems of particular interest include distributed systems and the Internet, servers and cloud datacenters, scalable parallel computers, and wireless embedded devices and mobile edge systems. He published two research monographs and more than 500 peer-reviewed papers in journals and conference proceedings; his papers received over 20K citations with an H-index of 75. His publications have been cited by 110+ international patents. He was a Best Paper Nominee or Awardee of the 2021 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing (SoCC’2021), 2013 IEEE High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), the 2013 ACM High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC), IEEE Cluster’2016, ICPP’2005, GPC’2018, UIC’2018, AIMS’2019, IEEE Edge’2020. He won a Test-of-Time Paper Award from the journal of  Frontiers of Computer Science (Springer & HEP) in 2024. He has also been granted more than 200 patents or PCT patents and spun off a business “Shenzhen Baidou Applied Technology” with dedication to location-based services and technologies. 

He serves or served on a number of journal editorial boards, including IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Science China: Information Science and ZTE Communication. Dr. Xu has been the Chair of IEEE Technical Committee on Distributed Processing (TCDP) from 2015 to 2020. He obtained BSc and MSc degrees from Nanjing University in 1986 and 1989 respectively, and a PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in 1993, all in Computer Science and Engineering.

须成忠, IEEE Fellow, 澳门大学计算机及信息科学系讲座教授。 目前担任科技学院院长、协同创新研究院代院长,国家科技部智慧城市重点研发计划首席科学家。曾任美国韦恩州立大学电子与计算机工程教授,以及中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院数字所所长兼云计算研究中心主任。是中国国家特聘专家、中国自然科学基金会2010「海外杰青」获得者、和「广东省领军人才计划」。另外,他是国家云计算和大数据重大专项咨询委员会委员、中国科学院感知中国先导专项总体专家组成员、国家云计算检验检测服务平台负责人、广东省云计算信息安全工程实验室主任及深圳市北斗应用技术研究中心主任。

主要研究方向包括并行与分布式系统、云计算和大数据、智能交通和智慧城市,及无人驾驶技术。目前承担了国家科技部智慧城市重点研发专项,广东省云数据中心重点专项,澳门科技基金FDCT无人驾驶重点研发专项,和深圳市数据智能与城市计算重点专项. 迄今在相关领域发表两本专著和一流学术期刊及会议上已发表五百余篇学术论文,引用20000余次,H-index=75,论文同时获110+ 欧美等国际专利引用。多次获计算机领域HPCA、HPDC、SoCC, Cluster,ICPP等著名会议最佳论文或提名奖,获期刊Frontiers of Computer Science 2024时间检验奖,拥有二百多项PCT及国家发明专利。  获2014年中国电子学会科技进步一等奖,2019年建设部华夏建设科技进步一等奖,2022年广东省技术发明二等奖和2022深圳市技术发明二等奖等多个国家和地方奖项,2015年当选IEEE Fellow,同年年入选科学中国人年度人物. 研发的云数据中心资源管理和分布式系统中的位置服务等技术转移给华为、中兴、阿里巴巴等企业,并成功孵化深圳北斗应用技术研究院有限公司。

现任或曾任多家国际著名学术期刊的编委,包括IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,《中国科学:信息科学》和《ZTE Communication》。担任十多个国际会议的大会主席或程序委员会主席,也是IEEE分布式处理技术委员会主席(2015-2020)