Dr. Xu taught graduate and undergraduate courses related to computer architecture, computer networks, and distributed and parallel computing. He has created new courses about Scalable and Secure Internet Services and Machine Learning for the Design of Computer Systems. The machine learning course offered in Winter 2008 semester should be one of the first such in the world dedicated to the interactions between AI and systems.

UM is running a research program on Connected and Autonomous Driving, funded by FDCT. CAD test platforms are to be launched on campus soon.  In Oct 2020, we created a new short course to be an integral educational component of this program. Its objectives are to help students (1) Gain basic knowledge and principles about CAD; (2) Gain hands-on practical experience in Carla simulation and Baidu Apollo.


UM is running a research program on Connected and Autonomous Driving, funded by FDCT. CAD test platforms were officially launched on Oct 23, 2020. This course is an integral educational component of this program. It’s objectives are to help students

1)Gain basic knowledge and principles about CAD

2)Gain hands-on practical experience in Carla simulation and Baidu Apollo

  • Format:
    • Lectures on principles by knowledgeable professors, plus tutorials by experienced engineers
    • Form groups to compete with each other in self-driving car races
  • Targeted audience and prerequisites:
    • Seniors and postgraduates with interest in autonomous driving and connected vehicles
    • Good standing of FST/IoTSC/ICI postgraduates; Knowledge in Python is not must, but a plus
  • Time:
    • 19 October to 30 October, 2020 for 10 days
    • 9:30am-12:30pm weekday, including 2 hours/day lectures, plus 1 hour/day for hands-on labs
  • Topical Contents:

1)Overview of CAD (Chengzhong Xu, Chair Professor of CIS)

2)Sensing technologies for self-driving (Hui Kong of NJUST, Guest Lecturer )

3)Visual computing for self-driving (Jiantao Zhou, Assoc. Prof of CIS)

4)Deep ML for autonomous driving (Chengzhong Xu, Chair Professor of CIS)

5)V2X communication and edge computing for connected vehicles (Yuan Wu, Assoc. Prof of CIS)

6)Data and knowledge fusion for CAD (Ryan U, Assoc. Prof of CIS)

7)Modeling and analysis of hybrid human/autonomous driving (Zhenning Li, Research Fellow of IoTSC)

8)NLP for human machine interaction in autonomous driving (Ken Chan, Research Fellow of CIS)

9)Legal, security/privacy and regulation of autonomous driving (Kun Pang Kou, Assoc. Prof of CEE)

10)Tutorial on Carla Simulation in Python  (Yantong Liu/Zehe Xiao, Teaching Assistants)

In collaboration with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, South University of Technology, and City University of Hong Kong, we organized a Macao Gradprix Car Racing Competition in Metaverse (MoCAM) in 2023. More than 70 teams from universities and local high schools participated in the competition. Final results were announced in December 8, 2023 in the annual event of Cloud and Intelligent Driving forum. See Macao GrandPrix Car Racing in Metaverse for the final report about the event. Also see MoCAM  for unique features of the racing platform.

  • ECE5650: Computer Networking and the Internet (W06, F06, W07, F07, F08, Fall 2009)
  • ECE7995: Machine Learning for Networked Computer Systems (Winter 2008)
  • ECE7650: Scalable Internet Services and Architecture (F00, F01, W03, W06, W09, Winter 2010)
  • ECE766: Advanced/Parallel Computer Architecture (F95,96,97,98, W99, F99, W00, F05)
  • ECE7610: Advanced Parallel and Distributed Systems (W96, W98, W02, W05, W07, W09, W13)
  • ECE562: Microprocessor and Embedded Systems
  • ECE561: Introduction to Parallel and Distribution Systems (F97, F01, F02, F04)
  • ECE468: Computer Organizations (W00, SS00, SS02)

Research Students:

Dr. Xu’s research team is comprised of an elite group of students and research associates, who actually conduct the nuts and bolts of the research. 

Ph.D. Graduates from Wayne State University:

  • HY. Shen(2006), JB. Wei(2006), XL. Zhong(2007), S. Fu(2008), MH. Xu (2010), JY Gong(2011),  J. Rao( 2011), XP. Bu(2013),  K. Wang(2015), YD. Wei(2019), GY. Xu(2019)

Visiting Scholars and Postdocs of WSU: 

  • NT. Fong, JW. Zhang, GH. Chen(2002-2004), XB. Zhou(2003-2005, currently with the faculty of U. of Colorado), B. Yu(2007-2009), Z. Kong(2009-2012), HK. Liu, KJ. Ye (2015-2016, currently with the faculty of SIAT), 

Ph.D. Graduates from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences:

  • Aftab Chandio (2015), JJ. Zhao(2019), W. Xiong (2018), BX. Zhao(2020), YD. Liu(2022), KF. Wang(2023, currently postdoc of Tsinghua Univ), ST. Luo(2023, currently postdoc of Yale)

Ph.D. Graduates from University of Macau

  • XJ. Li (2023, currently postdoc of CMU)

For more info about recent research teams he is affiliated with, please refer to State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart CityCenter for AI and Robotics (CAIR) of University of Macau , and Center for Cloud Computing of SIAT, Chinese Academy of Sciences for details.  Most recently, Xingjian Li (Ph.D. of U of Macau), Shuotian Luo (Ph.D. of CAS),  Kafeng Wang (Ph.D. of CAS) joined CMU, Yale Unv, and  Tsinghua University, as a postdoc, respectively. Dr. Xu continuously looks for self-motivated and hard-working students to join force. Financial support is available for those who have demonstrated passion and commitment for their work.