Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (IOTSC) and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
The main research programs include Constitutive Modeling of Geomaterials, Probabilistic Analysis, Soil-structural Interface Behavior, Environmental Geotechnics Engineering and Advanced Laboratory and Field Testing.
The demand for underground space in urban areas has significantly increased with the ongoing population increase and the rise of megacities. Tunnelling and underground construction in these cities often takes place in soft and difficult ground conditions.
This special issue provides a premier platform for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss case studies, recent developments and technological advances in tunnelling and underground construction in soft ground. The topics include TBM-tunnel-soil interaction, modelling of soil-structure interaction, the impact of excavation on nearby buildings, soil conditioning for difficult soft ground, and recent field cases and results from recent research programs.
The presenters in the 11th International Symposium of Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Macau 2024) are especially invited to contribute to this special issue. Other submissions are welcome too.
Guest editors:
Dr. Tao Xu, PhD
Affiliation: Southeast University, Nanjing, China
(TBM Tunnelling; Underground Construction in Soft Soils; Geotechnical Field Monitoring)
Prof. Wanhuan Zhou, PhD
Affiliation: University of Macau, Macau SAR, China
(Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials; Probabilistic Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering; Laboratory and Field Testing)
Prof. Adam Bezuijen, Ir., PhD
Affiliation: Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
(Mechanised Tunnelling; Physical Modelling in Geotechnics; Erosion Processes; Dredging)
Prof. Michael Mooney, PhD, PE
Affiliation: Colorado School of Mines, Golden, United States
(Mechanised Tunnelling; Machine Learning; Tunnel and Ground Deformation)
Prof. Giulia Viggiani, PhD
Affiliation: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
(Underground Construction in Soft Ground; Laboratory Testing; Artificial Ground Freezing; Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering; Soil Structure Interaction)
Manuscript submission information:
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. Submissions will be evaluated based on originality, significance, technical quality, and clarity. Once accepted, articles will be posted online immediately and published in a journal regular issue within weeks. Articles will also be simultaneously collected in the online special issue.
For any inquiries about the appropriateness of contribution topics, welcome to contact Managing Guest Editor (Dr. Tao Xu).
Guide for Authors will be helpful for your future contributions, read more: Guide for authors – Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology – ISSN 0886-7798 | by Elsevier
For more information about our Journal, please visit our ScienceDirect Page: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology | Journal | by Elsevier
Special issue for Underground Space
o Smart Monitoring and Data Mining
o Fundamentals of Soil Properties and Ground Improvements
o Advanced Design and Innovative Analysis Methods
o TBM/Shield Tunnelling
o Utilisation of Underground Energy
o Maintenance of Underground Infrastructure
Guest editors:
Prof. Wanhuan Zhou
University of Macau,
Dr. Tao Xu, PhD
University of Macau,
Prof. Jamie Standing
Imperial College,
Article Types: Research articles, Review papers, Case reports
Invited Authors Only or Open Submission
Deadline for Submission: 31th August 2025
Deadline for Acceptance: 30th November 2025
Underground Space is an open access international journal without article processing charges (APC) committed to serving as a scientific forum for researchers and practitioners in the field of underground engineering. The journal welcomes manuscripts that deal with original theories, methods, technologies, and important applications throughout the life-cycle of underground projects, including planning, design, operation and maintenance, disaster prevention, and demolition. The journal is particularly interested in manuscripts related to the latest development of smart underground engineering from the perspectives of resilience, resources saving, environmental friendliness, humanity, and artificial intelligence. The manuscripts are expected to have significant innovation and potential impact in the field of underground engineering, and should have clear association with or application in underground projects.
Impact Factor: 8.2
The 11th International Symposium of Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Macau 2024) was held at the University of Macau (UM). The symposium was jointly organised by UM, Technical Committee 204 (TC204) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), the Civil Engineering Laboratory of Macau, and the Macau Association for Geotechnical Engineering. More than 150 delegates from 15 countries and regions, including the UK, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Dubai, Singapore, Japan, mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, attended the symposium to exchange views and promote cooperation on geotechnical aspects of underground construction in soft ground.
The honorary chairs of IS-Macau 2024 are Ao Peng Kong, president of the Board of Directors of the Civil Engineering Laboratory of Macau, and Giulia Viggiani, chair of ISSMGE TC204. The general chairs are Zhou Wanhuan, associate dean of FST and head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UM, and Xu Tao, associate professor in the School of Transportation at Southeast University. The opening ceremony was also attended by Lyesse Laloui, vice president of ISSMGE Europe; Adam Bezuijen, former chair of ISSMGE TC204; Wout Broere, chair of the National Structural Integrity Research Committee on Immersed Tunnels of the Netherlands and editor-in-chief of the journal Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology; Chen Renpeng, vice president of Hunan University; and Wu Wei, editor-in-chief of the journal Acta Geotechnica.
The first International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground was held in 1994 in New Delhi, India. The subsequent nine editions were held in London, UK (1996); Tokyo, Japan (1999); Toulouse, France (2002); Amsterdam, Netherlands (2005); Shanghai, China (2008); Rome, Italy (2011); Seoul, South Korea (2014); Sao Paulo, Brazil (2017); and Cambridge, UK (2022), respectively.
Media Coverage
UM Channels
UM holds International Symposium of Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground
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Chinese newspaper
文章總數: 2 篇
Our group has developed a GitHub page to introduce and promote the work conducted by our research team on various topics related to geotechnical engineering. The users can access the multiple repositories on this page containing the data and algorithms related to several key areas.
We have an exciting opportunity for Ph.D. and Post-doc Fellow candidates who is exceptional, highly motivated and intellectually curious. No entrance exams are required. Applicants should have obtained English CET 6 (430, for students from mainland China) or provide TOEFL(550)/ IELTS(6) scores as proof of English proficiency.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us by Email.(中文版本)