
Electromagnetic Actuation System

Zhou Yuning and Su Jiachen are 2021/2022 outstanding graduates of Department of Electromechanical Engineering (EME). They won “ The Best Final Year Project” for the design and development of an electromagnetic actuation system. Zhou Yuning and Su Jiachen shared that the project uses three sets of coils to make the magnet “move”. A future application of this research is to put a very little amount of magnet which do not affect the human body into a pill, so that the pill can be delivered to the diseased organs in human body, so as to enhance the efficacy of treatment. Electromagnetic actuation system can be applied into dangerous or complex place that people hard to go in which has large potential in the future. In this research, there are 3 sets of coils, the coils can become Helmholtz coils or Maxwell coils by changing the driving method which can charge the magnetic field and control the size and direction of the internal magnetic flux through a computer. To finish this final year project, they not only need to have professional knowledge in the field of electromagnetics, but also need to perform sophisticated and complex theoretical calculations and excellent electromagnetic control ability. In regards of winning the Best Final Year Project Award, Zhou Yuning said that they cooperated very well with each other and really clear about their own tasks, each of them are able to gave play to their own strengths. They achieved a lot during the whole process although this topic is relatively challenging.

Enjoy the time in university

Looking back to the 4 years of university life, Su Jiachen said that he is a person who loves to handy work who enjoys doing experiments and often spend a lot of time in the laboratory. He shared that studying at UM has given students many opportunities to get in touch with cutting-edge technologies. “For example, during the summer break, you can assist Professor for their research to broaden your horizon or apply for a laboratory assistant to enhance your practical skills,” he said. In his spare time, Su Jiachen also actively ask professors for their advices regarding his research. In addition, the life at UM residential college has also enriched his life, allowing him to acquire knowledge outside of his major, such as learning local African dances and participating in wine tastings.

Fighting for their own future

When discussed about the reason of choosing the Department of Electromechanical Engineering at UM, Zhou Yuning shared that in addition to the long history and solid foundation of EME, it also has excellent teaching and learning resources. “EME Professors’ diverse and practical teaching strategies make lessons more fun, engaging and interactive, such as requiring students to do programming, designing their own games or making jacks,” he said. UM provides students with sufficient resources, and the key is to make good use of those resources. He often spends a lot of time to review the knowledge he learned from class, he also encouraged the junior students and students who are preparing to study the same major that they need to take the initiative to seek resources for themselves, and spend more time after class to discuss with professors. In the future, Zhou Yuning and Su Jiachen are going to study abroad and purse for a master’s degree. Su Jiachen will go to the University of California, Berkeley, and Zhou Yuning plans to go to the university Germany to continue his study journey, they wish to build their own future in the field of electromechanical engineering.




回望四年大學生活,蘇家琛表示自己是一個喜歡親自動手創造的人,享受做實驗的時光,經常在實驗室流連忘返。他表示在澳大讀書,可以接觸前沿科技的機會很多,他說: 「例如暑假的時候可透過協助教授做實驗了解更多前沿研究,也可以申請成為實驗室學生助理,增強實踐的技能。」在課餘時間,蘇家琛也十分積極到辦公室向教授們請教。此外,澳大書院生活也豐富了他的生活,令他獲取專業以外的知識,例如學習非洲當地舞蹈、參加品酒會等。


談及選擇澳大機電工程系的原因,周昱寧則分享說除了因為學系歷史久遠,具備扎實根基,還有優秀的師資及學習資源,他說: 「教授們多元及重視實操的教學方式令我們獲益匪淺,例如要求學生寫代碼、自行設計遊戲及製作千斤頂等。」他認為大學為學生提供充分資源,關鍵在於有沒有好好利用資源,自己經常花費上課3-4倍的時間來學習,因此他也鼓勵同系的學弟妹以及準備入讀的學生,主動為自己爭取資源,課餘多花時間與教授們交流討論。未來,他們都計劃到海外深造及攻讀碩士,蘇家琛即將前往加州大學伯克利分校,周昱寧則計劃前往德國的大學繼續學習之旅,期望未來能在機電工程領域打造屬於自己的未來。


Zhou Yuning and Su Jiachen and their classmates

Zhou Yuning 周昱寧

Su Jiachen 蘇家琛

The electromagnetic actuation system
developed by themselves