“2016計算機視覺與人機交互夏令營”包含三大主題:1) Windows軟件開發套件發展;2) 人機交互與虛擬世界;3) 圖像處理和計算機視覺。為保證良好的講授與實驗課程,每個主題設計了半天的活動。通過這些活動,學生們將體驗模式識別與圖像處理的科學研究與開發。

“Computer Vision and Human-Machine Interaction Summer Camp 2016” consists of three main themes: 1) Windows SDK development 2) Human-computer Interaction and Virtual World 3) Image Processing and Computer Vision. To ensure high quality of lectures and experiments, each program is a half-day course with designed activities. Through these activities, the students will experience scientific research and development processes on pattern recognition and image processing.

主題一: 這個項目是向學生介紹與背景基本的Windows應用發展、軟件開發套件編程以及幫助他們更深入了解這些技術後親自進行圖片和影像處理、物體追蹤以及其他相關的知識。

Theme one: This program is to introduce students with the background fundamental of windows application development and SDK programming, this program helps them by giving deeply understanding of these techniques using specific and lively experiments on image processing, object tracking and other related knowledge.

主題二: 這個計劃的目的是讓學生體驗透過Kinect和X-Box進行人機互動,透過簡單的姿態和語音指令讓Kinect能完成一些工作而直接整合於電腦作業系統,例如滑鼠和鍵盤。

Theme two: This program is designed to let the students experience the infraction of human and computer by Kinect and X-Box. The Kinect can be directly integrated into computer operating system by using Kinect through simple gestures and voice commands instead of the commonly used mouse and keyboard.


Theme three: This project first introduces students with several fundamental techniques of image processing and video analysis, including image representation, enhancement, feature extraction, and matching. We further apply these techniques to implement some high level image classification/retrieval systems.

7月27日| 27 July 7月28日 | 28 July
主題一: Windows 軟件開發套件發展
Theme one: Windows SDK Development

主題二: 人機交互與虛擬世界
Theme two: Human-computer Interaction and Virtual World

主題三: 圖像處理和計算機視覺
Theme three: Image Processing and Computer Vision
