本夏令營之目的是以互動和啓發式的科普活動使中學生了解在氣候轉變下,土木工程師如何因應環境變化作出新設計的相關新知識,培養學生對土木工程的興趣,並認識有關專業操守和責任。是次夏令營將會與澳門氣象學會合作,組織一系列的互動式活動包括講座、工作坊、實地考察以及小遊戲,希望能從 科學、工程與技術以及數學四個方面增強學生了解氣候轉變以及如何使用工程技術提出解決方案的責任,以致作為全球公民的責任。

The purpose of Climate Change and Civil Engineering Summer Camp (CCCESC) is to provide interactive and STEM activities to high students for gaining knowledge in climate science, as well as civil engineering subjects, stimulating the student thinking and problem solving skills in cross-disciplines way as well as their interests in civil engineering subjects. CCCESC will show to students how civil engineers have a key role to play in adaptation to climate change and make them understand the responsibility of global citizen. Meanwhile, the CCCESC can enhance student organization, cooperation, social and communication skills.

7月15日 | 15 July 7月16日 | 16 July 7月17日 | 17 July
Campus and Engineering Laboratory Visit
氣候轉變與城市規劃: 講座及工作坊
Climate Change and City Planning: Talk and Workshop
1. 地下工程如何防洪抗災講座
“Underground Engineering and Flooding Disaster Mitigation” Talk
2. 主題探討Discussion
1. 氣象儀器工作坊
(Workshop for Climate Science Instrument)
2. 實地考察 Field Study
1. 結構工程為題的講座
Structural Engineering Talk
2. 主題探討: 土木工程師如何因應氣候變化作出新設計
Group discussion on day 3 topic: adaptation of climate change
1. 環境工程:講座及工作坊
Environmental Engineering: Talk and Workshop
2. 總结Conclusion