IOTSC Professor Talk Series: The Role of Structural Vibration in Urban Public Safety: Candy, or Poison
智慧城市物聯網講座系列: 結構振動之於城市公共安全: 是甘飴, 還是砒霜?

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顏王吉教授獲邀分享結構振動之於城市公共安全: 是甘飴, 還是砒霜? 有興趣的同學可參與, 毋須報名。詳情如下:

日期Date: 2021.05.25 (Wednesday)
時間Time: 16:30 – 17:30 
地點Venue: N21 5樓展覽廳 N21-5/F EXHIBITION HALL
語言Language: 英語English

人物簡介 Introduction:

Prof Yan conducted research as a professor in HFUT and European Marie Curie Fellow in UK before joining UM as an associate professor in 2019. His research interest includes structural health monitoring and stochastic vibration. He has published more than 60 journal papers including around 20 in MSSP as a top-notch journal in SHM. Details of Speaker:










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