SKL-IOTSC Talk Series: Computational Social Choice: Algorithms for Fair Allocation Problems
智慧城市物聯網系列講座: 計算社會選擇理論: 多智能體均分問題

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SKL-IoTSC Talk series: Computational Social Choice: Algorithms for Fair Allocation Problems
智慧城市物聯網系列講座: 計算社會選擇理論: 多智能體均分問題
· 日期 Date : 2021.04.16 (Friday)
· 時間 Time : 16:15 – 17:15
· 語言 Language : 英語 English
· 地點 Venue : N21 5樓展覽廳N21-5/F EXHIBITION HALL
Remark: maximum capacity: 50 pax; first come first serve
吳曉偉教授於2020年3月加入澳大,成為科技學院電腦及資訊科學系助理教授及智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室成員。吳曉偉教授的論文《全面線上配對》獲發表在最新一期的ACM期刊上 (Journal of ACM)。ACM期刊被公認是理論計算機科學領域最頂尖的期刊,此期刊只登載那些對計算機科學有深遠影響的論文,此期刊過去十年總收錄文章不足400篇,其中僅有15篇來自中國(包括港澳台)地區。吳教授的論文也是過去十年澳門地區發表於該期刊的第一篇文章
Prof. Xiaowei Wu joined UM in 2020. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science, and the research member of the State Key Laboratory of Smart City Internet of Things. Prof. Wu’s article “Fully online matching” was published in the latest issue of the Journal of ACM (JACM), which is considered a top journal in the field of theoretical computer science that only publishes papers with a profound impact on the field. In the past decade, Journal of ACM has published less than 400 articles, of which only 15 come from China (including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan). It is also the first paper from Macao that has been published in this journal in the past decade

















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