歡迎所有內地、香港、台灣地區及國際學生報名 !
All Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other international students are welcome!

為促進與國內外科研人才多元化之交流,現邀請大家參加 “第六屆優秀大學生暑期研習營”,本次活動將由澳門大學科技學院舉辦 !
澳門大學科技學院目前設有七個學系,2026/2027學年有15個碩士課程、5個博士課程在全球範圍內招生。本次研習營得到智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室、模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室、區域海洋研究中心、數據科學研究中心、人工智慧與機器人研究中心、應用數學研究中心等共同支持。活動將由相關領域教授帶領,內容包括參觀多個國家重點實驗室及研究中心、知名教授專題講座、師生座談、暢遊澳大校園、新舊生交流等,讓同學們親身感受澳大國際化環境及英語學習文化 !
暑期研習營日期: 2025年7月8日— 10日 (3天)
To promote diverse exchanges with domestic and international research talents, we now invite everyone to participate in the “6th Summer Camp for Outstanding University Students,” organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Macau!
The Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Macau currently has seven departments. In the 2026/2027 academic year, there are 15 master’s programmes and 5 doctoral programmes open for enrollment globally. Summer camp will be supported by the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City, the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, the Centre for Regional Oceans, the Centre for Data Science, the Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and the Centre for Applied Mathematics. The activities will be led by professors in relevant fields and will include visits to several national key laboratories and research centers, lectures by renowned professors, discussions between students and faculty, campus tours, and interactions between new and current students. This will allow students to experience firsthand the international environment and English learning culture at the University of Macau!
Summer Camp Date: July 8 to July 10, 2025 (3 Days)
Language : English/ Chinese
*The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau reserves the right to make the final decision and interpretation.
相關專業的優秀學生(成績平均 80分以上、或班級排名前30%、或GPA ≥ 3 (4分制),符合以下任一項要求將有機會優先錄取:
報名方式: 點此報名或掃海報二維碼
報名截止: 2025年4月15日23:59(入選學生將於 2025 年 5 月 31 日或之前收到通知)
1) 本活動除自費項目外,不會透過任何機構額外收取任何費用,請同學小心詐騙;
2) 本活動僅接受由官方提供的電子系統報名,其他方式提交的申請將不獲考慮;
3) 如有學生重覆提交申請多於一次,只考慮最後提交的版本;
4) 每名學生只可選擇一種專業,如學生重覆提交不同專業的申請,主辦單位將有權隨機分配;
5) 學院僅接受當下提交的內容,不接受補交或任何修改,請學生謹慎上傳內容;
6) 學院將透過在官網公佈錄取結果,同時會發電子郵件通知獲選及後補學生,請留意信箱及保持信箱暢通;
7) 如因資料填寫錯誤或個人信箱無效導致錯過任何重要資訊,相關責任由學生自行承擔;
8) 學生收到錄取通知後,須在限期前上傳有效赴澳門簽證並提供赴澳旅遊保險,以示確認,否則當作放棄;
9) 一旦入選學生確認參與活動後,不得隨意退出計畫。任何缺乏正當及充分理由退出計畫的情況將會被記錄在案, 將影響學生將來申請澳門大學的課程或其他交流活動。
Outstanding students who are interested in enrolling in the 2026/2027 Master’s or Doctoral programmes at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau, in fields such as Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electromechanical Engineering, Mathematics, and Ocean Science and Technology, and who have scores above 80, are ranked in the top 30% of their class, or have a GPA ≥ 3, and meet any of the following requirements, will have the opportunity to be admitted first:
1) Recommended by a professor from the University of Macau;
2) Recommended by a university that collaborates with the Faculty of Science and Technology;
3) From Internationally Renowned Universities or “Double First-Class” Universities.
Application: Click here to enroll or Scan the QR code on poster
Application Deadline: April 15, 2025 (Selected students will be notified on or before 31 May 2025)
Important Notice:
1.Aside from self-funded items, this event will not incur any additional charges through any organization. Students should be cautious of scams;
2.Registration for this event is only accepted through the official electronic system; applications submitted in any other way will not be considered;
3.If a student submits an application more than once, only the final submission will be considered;
4.Each student can only choose one major. If a student repeatedly submits applications for different majors, the organizing unit reserves the right to assign one randomly;
5.FST accepts only the content submitted at the moment and does not allow for supplementary submissions or any modifications. Students are advised to carefully upload their content;
6.Admission results will be announced on the official website, and emails will be sent to selected students as well as alternates. Please check your mailbox regularly and ensure it is accessible;
7.Any responsibility arising from filling out information incorrectly or due to an invalid personal email address, leading to missing important information, will be borne by the student;
8.Upon receiving the admission notification, students must upload a valid visa for Macau and provide travel insurance before the deadline to confirm participation. Failure to do so will be regarded as a waiver;
9.Once a selected student confirms participation in the summer camp, they may not withdraw without proper and sufficient reasons. Any withdrawal under such circumstances will be recorded and may affect future applications for other exchange or semester exchange programmes.
*The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau reserves the right of final decision and interpretation
日期 Date |
上午 Monring Session |
下午 Afternoon Session |
2025年7 月 8 日(二) |
到達澳門大學/住宿登記 |
澳門本地遊覽 |
2025年7 月 9 日(三) |
開營活動及校園導覽 |
學系安排研習活動 |
2025年7 月 10 日(四) |
學系安排研習活動 |
結營離校 |
免費項目 (由澳門大學提供):
• 夏令營期間在澳大之住宿費
• 7月9日歡迎午餐
• 進出澳門的有效旅遊證件、簽證費用*及其他相關費用 (詳情請參閱澳門入境處的入境須知),目前入境澳門,無須出示任何新冠病毒檢測證明
• 往返澳門的交通安排及其相關費用
• 自由活動時的所有費用
• 外遊保險費用*
*為保障學額,入選學生須於指定時間內上傳 1.有效赴澳門簽證或簽證申請回執並提供 2.赴澳旅遊保險相關憑證,以示確認參加研習營,否則被視為放棄,有關的學額空缺或會撥作補選。
Free items (provided by the University of Macau):
• Accommodation fees for staying in the University of Macau dormitory during the summer camp
• Welcome Lunch on July 9th
Self-funded items:
• Valid travel documents, visa, and round-trip transportation costs to and from Macau, as well as expenses for free activities;
• Travel insurance (Selected students must upload a valid Macau Visa and provide travel insurance to Macau after receiving the admission notice to confirm participation).
Q1: 什麼時間公佈研習營錄取結果? When will the admission results of the summer camp be announced?
研習營錄取結果將於2025年5月31日或之前在澳門大學科技學院網站上公佈獲選學生申請編號。 獲選學生將收到確認郵件及連結,需要在10天內上傳有效赴澳門簽證並提供赴澳旅遊保險,以示確認參加研習營,否則當作放棄。
The admission results for the summer camp will be announced on or before May 31, 2025, on the website of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). Selected students will receive a confirmation email and a link, and valid visa to enter Macau and provide travel insurance for Macau are requiered to upload to the link within 10 days to confirm their participation in the summer camp; otherwise, it will be considered as a waiver.
Q2: 研習營設有後補名單嗎? Is there a waiting list for the summer camp?
Yes. Admission to the summer camp follows a rolling admission process. If any selected students decline the offer, alternates from the waiting list will be admitted. The waiting list will be announced on the website of the Faculty of Science and Technology from late May to June 2025.
Q3: 本屆研習營共有多少名額? How many places are available for this summer camp?
There are approximately 100 places available for this summer camp, and admission will be based on merit.
Q4: 學生申請研習營時可以申請多於一個專業嗎? Can students apply for more than one major when applying for the summer camp?
Cannot. To ensure fairness and impartiality, if a student applies for more than one major, our college will randomly assign their application to one of the majors.
Q5: 學生提交申請後,可否修改已提交的內容或成績? After submitting the applications, can students modify the submitted content?
Due to limited resources, FST only accepts content submitted at the time and does not accept supplementary submissions or any modifications. Students are advised to upload content with caution.
Q6: 入選學生本人確認參加研習營後,能否退出? After the selected students confirm their participation in the summer camp, can they withdraw?
Due to limited quota, if participants fail to provide proper and sufficient proof after confirmation, it will be recorded and will affect students’ future applications at the University of Macau or other exchange activities.
For Inquiries 查詢
戴教授nydai@um.edu.mo及林小姐 alicewmlam@um.edu.mo
If you have any questions related to summer camp,
please email Prof. Nydai Dai at nydai@um.edu.mo & Ms. Alice Lam at alicewmlam@um.edu.mo
“澳大先進的實驗設備令許多工科生都心馳神往,不難看出大學在科研上用盡心思。此外,教授們親切友好,樂於解答學生升學問題,透過用膳交流的安排也很新穎。” — 哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)劉亞軒
“澳大優雅恬靜的校園環境令人印象深刻,研習營的參觀活動涵蓋了各個學科領域前沿的科學研究專案,可以領略到澳大的實力。” — 天津大學的吳志尚
“The advanced experimental equipment at the University of Macau has captivated many engineering students, revealing the university’s dedication to research. Additionally, the professors are friendly and approachable, willingly assisting students with their academic inquiries. The innovative arrangement of engaging in mealtime discussions also stands out.” — Liu Yaxuan, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
“The elegant and tranquil campus environment of the University of Macau leaves a profound impression. The visit activities during the study camp cover cutting-edge scientific research projects in various academic disciplines, allowing us to appreciate the strengths of the University of Macau.” — Wu Zhishang, Tianjin University
現時在澳大生活已有多個月,大學友愛互助的氣氛令她感受甚深,她說: 「剛到達時,同門師兄師姐都很熱心帶我熟悉環境,怕我飲食不習慣就帶我到北方菜館,甚至巴士卡都是他們和我一起去辦理的。」她期望未來可從事教育或研究事業,為此她很樂於擔任目前的教學助理的職務,以賺取教學經驗為未來籌劃。
In 2021, under the recommendation of Professor Sun Haiwei, Li Tianyi, a current PhD student in the Mathematics Department at the University of Macau, participated in the “2021 Summer Camp for Outstanding Students” organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology. During the several-day study camp, Tianyi, along with other students from mainland Chinese universities, visited the campus, laboratories, faculties, library, and sports facilities of the University of Macau. They also had meals together with the professors, experiencing firsthand the elegant and serene campus environment and English learning atmosphere. After the study camp, Tianyi was amazed by the unique international environment, caring campus atmosphere, tranquil and beautiful accommodation, and excellent hardware facilities at the University of Macau, which exceeded her expectations. Upon returning to Beijing, she immediately applied for a doctoral degree without hesitation.
Having lived at the University of Macau for several months now, Tianyi deeply appreciates the atmosphere of friendship and mutual assistance among university students. She said, “When I first arrived, my senior fellow students were very enthusiastic in helping me get familiar with the environment. They took me to a northern-style restaurant in case I was not accustomed to the local cuisine. They even accompanied me to get my bus card.” She hopes to pursue a career in education or research in the future, and therefore, she is enthusiastic about serving as a teaching assistant to gain teaching experience for her future plans.
了解更多有關李天怡的故事 More about Li Tianyi:
The admitted list will be announced here on or before May 31, 2025.