The Sustainable Energy Storage System Summer Camp 2019 organized by Department of Physics and Chemistry (DPC), Faculty of Science and Technology and co-organized with the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) was successfully held on campus from 4 to 6 July 2019. More than 20 local secondary school students participated in the camp. This is the first summer camp organized by DPC and it was sponsored by the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT). The 3-days summer camp included lectures on different physical topics, lab sessions for making a lithium-ion battery, tour to IAPME laboratories, campus tour and ice-breaking games. In addition, closing dinner and on-campus living experience were arranged.
In the opening session, Prof. Hui Pan, department head of DPC briefly introduced the department and its program. He hoped the participants can learn more practical knowledge on physics and chemistry during the camp, and encouraged them to pursue their higher education in UM. Five lectures on various topics were given by Prof.Yuxing Tang, Prof. Kar Wei Ng, Prof. Hou Ian, Prof. Kwun Nam Hui and Prof. Hui Pan. Prof. Ng coordinated the whole process of summer camp under the administrative support from Mr. Roy Leong and Ms. Sophia Chan. The lab sessions were supervised by Prof. Hui, his Ph.D. students and Mr. John Leong. Participants were taught to make a Li-ion battery step by step. On the last day of the camp, participants had a competition for their batteries. Besides lecture and labs, PhD students from IAPME organized game night and pizza party in the evening, in order to let the participants mingle with each other. Most Participants said that they have a lot of fun every day, and learnt a lot from the camp.
A closing dinner was hosted on the last day. Prof. Kam Weng Tam, Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Technology, and Director of Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion of FST, was invited to present the winning certificates and prizes to the winning group of the battery competition.
The campus tour
Participants were preparing cathode materials for the battery
Participants built molecule of various substances
Group photo for the closing dinner