
Ren Jiahao, an undergraduate student of Department of Physics and Chemistry of FST, together with research teams led by Prof. Xing Guichuan and Prof. Chen Shi, recently proposed a scheme for passivating the bottom interface of perovskite solar cells (PCSs). This study directly probes the bottom surface properties of PCSs, and gives an explanation to its optimization mechanism. His research work was published in the internationally renowned multidisciplinary academic journal Small (Impact factor of Small is 15.15 for year 2021).

In this research article, with a title of “Passivating Defects at the Bottom Interface of Perovskite by Ethylammonium to Improve the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells, Mr. Ren Jiahao as the first author, proposed a scheme for passivating the bottom interface of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) and explored the mechanism. The method not only improves the substrate wettability and facilitates the perovskite film growth but also eliminates the residual lead iodide at the bottom interface which is a major defect source and degradation site for perovskite film. Meanwhile, it also lifts the valence band maximum at the bottom side of the perovskite to facilitate better hole transfer. Such an improvement is also verified by the study of charge carrier dynamics. This method also improves all photovoltaic parameters of the inverted PSCs. The study highlights the importance of direct characterization of the bottom interface for a better passivation effect.

Department of Physics of Chemistry of FST provides high-quality undergraduate program with its creative “project-oriented” learning mode. Our undergraduate students are able to work with their academic supervisors’ individual research group and carry out world-leading research projects throughout their four years’ undergraduate studies. They are trained to apply their theoretical knowledge and creative into research projects. By now, there are a few of undergraduate students published their work as first author or co-author in various renowned SCI journals.  

Full text of Ren’s paper is now available online at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.202203536   


    物理及化學系本科生任佳豪與其導師邢貴川教授及陳石助理教授在應用物理及材料工程研究院的研究團隊,提出了一種用於鈍化鈣鈦礦太陽能電池掩埋介面的方案,並通過巧妙地直接探測鈣鈦礦薄膜底部表面性質的方法對其中的優化機理作出了解釋。這項工作近日獲國際知名綜合類學術期刊《Small》刊登 (2021年期刊影響因數IF為15.15)。

   是次發表於《Small》的論文《乙胺鈍化鈣鈦礦底部介面缺陷提高鈣鈦礦太陽能電池性能》(Passivating Defects at the Bottom Interface of Perovskite by Ethylammonium to Improve the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells)中,任佳豪同學作為第一作者,提出了一種用於鈍化鈣鈦礦太陽能電池掩埋介面的方案並對其中機理進行了探索。這種處理方法不僅使得基底潤濕性得到改善而有利於薄膜生長,並可以使得作為主要缺陷源和降解位點的碘化鉛在底部介面的殘留幾乎被消除。同時,鈣鈦礦薄膜底部價帶的提升有利於更好的空穴提取,這種改進也通過對載流子動力學的研究得到驗證。最終,倒置結構的鈣鈦礦太陽能電池的所有光伏參數都得到了改善。此研究強調了通過直接對鈣鈦礦太陽能電池底部介面進行表徵實驗以更好地研究在這一介面鈍化效果的重要性。

