The University of Macau’s (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) held the Dean’s Final Year Project List Presentation Ceremony and Project Exhibition 2018 on 1st June. The event aimed to recognize outstanding graduates and showcase what the students accomplished after four years of study. More than 100 people attended the event, including industry practitioners, students and their family members.
A number of distinguished projects were exhibited in the event. These projects were developed by students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Computer and Information Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Department of Electromechanical Engineering; and they cover such areas as structural and environmental engineering; computer graphics and visual computing; big data; software engineering; biomedical engineering; power engineering; mechanical engineering; human factor engineering; new energy; fir engineering and materials engineering. At the exhibition, some students also presented their design concepts and gave on-site demonstration. Prof. Ka-Veng Yuen, Interim Dean of the FST said that the exhibition not only provided a platform for students to interact with industry practitioners, but it also served as a window for the industry to know more about the students’ talents and skills. Prof. Yuen said it can certainly improve the level of education and research at the FST.
The Dean’s Final Year Project List recognizes students with outstanding final-year projects. Students who made the list this year are Sin Kei Hong, Li Jialin, Fan Yawang, Li Shuai and Leong Sin Mei from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Chan Io Kei, Lao Chi Kin, Un Seng Cheong, Chan Kin Chong, Si Ka Lap, Fang Manqi, Chan Tin Chon, Shi Boming, Wang Zehao, Lin Haoxing, Wu Haiwei and Yang Yuhan from the Department of Computer and Information Science; Chao Chi Wa, Hao He, Mario Jose Leon Lao, Yang Qiyi and Kuan Wai Son from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering; as well as Hoi Wai Keong, Wan Io Kuan, Chan Chong Hang, Wong Sio Meng, Hoi Chan Kun, Cheong Hoi Tan, Wan Hong Fong, Ke Ye, Lin Jing, Wong Man Lok and Xu Shuolai from the Department of Electromechanical Engineering.
Distinguished guests attending the event included Mr. Kun Wai Cheang, Member of the Council of Administration of the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT); Ms. Lau Wai Meng, Postmaster General of Macao Post and Telecommunications Bureau; Dr. Michael Choi, CEO of MTel Telecommunication Company Limited; Mr. Eric Tong, Assistant Vice President – Facilities Managements of Galaxy Entertainment Group. Executive Council Member of participants also included teachers, students and working group members of the Dean’s Final Year Project List 2018.
今年榮登科技學院畢業設計榮譽榜的學生分別是:土木及環境工程系的冼其康、李佳璘、范亞望、李帥、梁倩美;電腦及資訊科學系的陳耀基、劉志健、阮成章、陳建聰、施家立、方漫琪、陳天俊、施博明、王澤昊、林皓星、吳海威、楊宇涵;電機及電腦工程系的周紫華、郝赫、蔡耀霆、Mario Jose Leon Lao、楊其乙、關慧淳;以及機電工程系的許偉強、溫耀君、陳頌衡、黃兆銘、許振權、張栩丹、尹鴻楓、柯燁、林靖、黃文樂、徐朔來。經嚴格評選,土木及環境工程系的冼其康、電腦及資訊科學系的陳耀基、劉志健、阮成章、陳建聰、電機及電腦工程系的周紫華、以及機電工程系的許偉強、溫耀君榮登院長榮譽榜的學系優秀畢業設計。
出席活動的嘉賓包括澳門科學技術發展基金行政委員鄭冠偉、郵電局局長劉惠明、MTel 電信有限公司行政總裁徐德明博士、澳門銀河設備助理副總裁唐子偉,以及科技學院畢業設計院長榮譽榜二○一八工作小組成員及一眾師生。

Outstanding projects exhibited in the event

Guests and students in The Dean’s Final Year Project List