Prof. Wei HUA from School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, China gave a talk entitled “The stator-PM brushless machines and potential applications” at the Faculty of Science and Technology on 16 July 2019. Prof. Hua is the recipient of National Distinguished Youth Science Foundation, Changjiang Scholars Program (Youth Scholars) of MOE and National Excellent Youth Science Foundation. At the seminar, Prof Hua, shared his latest research results in the fields of novel stator- permanent magnets (PMs) brushless machines. This type of machine has attracted considerable interests due to the advantages of brushless, simple and robust structure, high torque (power) density, strong anti-demagnetization capability, high efficiency, and flexible topologies. In his presentation, an overview of stator-PM brushless machines, including basic topology, operation principle, performance analysis, and control strategies, especially for the potential applications are discussed.