
Robots are autonomous intelligent machines. As a carrier of artificial intelligence, its development and application has become the core driving force in a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation. Intelligent robots can assist or even replace humans to complete dangerous, heavy and complex operations, which could improve work efficiency and quality and thus are widely used in smart manufacturing and security monitoring in smart cities. This study focuses on two major scientific issues: “instant perception of complex operating objects in an unstructured environment, and the collection, analysis, data mining and optimization of big data from the process parameters”. Integrating the emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, and electromechanical automation, this project explores the key technologies of multi-modal deep three-dimensional object perceptions, studies the optimization of big data process and intelligent process planning in virtual reality interactive scenes, and carries out industrial robot application and verification for typical complex operation tasks.

The research team of this project is composed of domestic and international universities, research institutes and enterprises with leading advantages in the field of robotics, including South China University of Technology, University of Leeds, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology and Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Foshan Huashu Robot Co., Ltd. This project is funded by the Macao Funding Scheme for Key R&D Projects of the Science and Technology Development Fund, Macao SAR (File no.: 0018/2019/AKP). Prof. Zhixin Yang, who is the Associate Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City and the Department of Electromechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Macau, is in charge of this project. This project is expected to provide core technical support for the design and development of robots in the future through in-depth internationalized industry-university-research cooperation, enhance Macao’s R&D and industrialization level in the field of artificial intelligence, and promote the appropriate diversified development of Macao’s economy through technological innovation.

機器人是能自主工作的智慧型機器,其作為人工智能的一個載體,相關研發與應用成為新一輪科技革命和產業變革的核心驅動力。智能機器人可輔助甚至替代人類完成危險、繁重、複雜的操作,提高工作效率與量,在智能製造,智慧城市安全監控等領域具有廣泛應用。本項研究圍繞“非結構化環境下複雜操作象的即時感知,及工藝參數大數據搜集分析、挖掘和優化” 兩大科學問題,融合人工智能、物聯網、大數據、機電自動化等新興技術,探索多模態深度三維感知關鍵技術,研究虛擬與現實場景大數據工藝優化及智能作業技術,以及開展面向複雜作業任務的工業機器人應用驗證。

此專項的研究團隊由國內外在機器人領域具領先優勢的高校、研究院及企業組成,包括華南理工大學、茲大學、中國科學院深圳先進技術研究院、中國科學院微電子研究所和佛山華數機器人有限公司。項目獲得澳門特別行政區科學技術發展基金重點研發專項資助(檔案編號: 0018/2019/AKP)。項目負責人由澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室、科技學院機電工程系副教授楊志新擔任。此項目期望通過深內外產學研合作,為未來機器人的設計開發提供核心技術支撐,提升澳門在人工智能領域的研發和產業化水準,以科技創新助推澳門經濟適度多元化發展。

Prof. Yang Zhixin’s research team studies 
intelligent process planning technology for robots

Prof. Yang Zhixin’s research team studies 
intelligent process planning technology for robots