
Signal Recovery

Lio Chon Long is the 2021/2022 outstanding undergraduate graduate of the Department of Mathematics of FST. He has a strong interest in Mathematics since he was a child. When he was a high school student at Keang Peng School, Lio Chon Long showed outstanding performance in Mathematics. He represented Keang Peng School in the Collegiate Mathematics Competition and represented Macau in the International Mathematical Olympiad held in Romania. In this final year project, Lio Chon Long noticed that when most people use their mobile phone on a street with a noisy background, it is hard for them to hear other side as there is too much noise. Signal recovery is one of the most important problems in signal processing, so he proposed an effective new method to restore the original signal so as to achieve a better noise reduction, and the method he proposed can almost restore the original signal. With this research, he achieved the “Best Final Year Project Award” in the department.

Challenges of Final Year Project

When it comes to the challenges he met during the research process, Lio Chon Long shared that the largest challenge was programming. Firstly, he had to add extra noise to verify whether the method he proposed was feasible. For this, he needed to write a large program to verify the result. Secondly, it is about writing an academic paper. He said, “This is my first time of writing an academic paper. I need to read and refer to many writing rules and formats of different academic papers before I start, but I also learned a lot during the whole process.”

Aim for a PhD

In regards of the reason he studies at UM is not only because he loves this subject, but also because of the high quality academic experiences offered by UM professors. “UM professors’ names can also be found in many important journals,” he said. When looking back to the past four years, he said that he met many like-minded friends at UM. With the strong interest in Mathematics and with a clear goal, he has long determined to continue his studies. He was preparing to pursue a doctoral degree when he was year 3 UG student. Now he achieved the offer of UM and will study for a doctoral degree directly. In the future, he hopes to continue the work related to signal recovery in his doctoral research, and wishes to create more fruitful research in the future.




提及準備的過程,廖俊龍表示這個研究開始時遇到的首個最大挑戰就是編寫程式,必須加入雜音及噪音以檢驗自己提出的方法是否可行,為此,他需要編寫一個龐大的程式來驗證。 第二個難題則是寫論文。 他說: 「這是我第一次寫學術論文。 在開始落筆前,需要翻看及參考許多學術論文的寫作規則和格式,但也獲益匪淺。」


最初選擇入讀澳大數學系的原因,除了喜歡數學外,也是因為中學時期已了解到澳大教授的水準,他說: 「在很多重要的學術論文中,也可以找到澳大教授們的身影。」因此對澳大的師資印象深刻。回首過去四年,他表示在澳大結識不少志同道合的好友。而自少喜歡數學,目標清晰的他早就立志要繼續深造,早在大三時期已決定升讀博士,目前他已獲澳大取錄準備直接入讀博士。未來,他希望在自己的博士研究中繼續信號恢復的相關工作,期望未來能創造更豐碩的研究成果。

Lio Chon Long represents Macau in the International
Mathematical Olympiad (second left)
國際數學奧林匹克競賽 (左二)

Lio Chon Long 廖俊龍