
The UM Team members

The 4th National Competition of Structural Design Contest has been successfully held on Harbin Industry University from 12th to 15th November 2010. The competition has attracted 71 teams from 70 key universities.

This structural design contest is regarded as one of the most important specialized competition for undergraduate students, aiming to improve the comprehensive qualities such as innovation, cooperation spirit and practice ability for engineering students. Therefore, the contest acts as an important platform for learning and communication among different universities.

For this session, the contest title was the overhang for stadium which was tested by static and dynamic loading individually. The lightest model with strongest stiffness would be rewarded.

Before the competition, each team had to submit a proposal including the content such as the concept and principle, force analysis, and a series of calculation and estimation. In the 3-day fabrication, each team needed to fabricate the model with the material and equipment provided by the organizer.

The judge group was formed by 25 outstanding experts specialized in the field of civil engineering, including the distinguished professors and members of China Engineering Academy.

The three student representatives of University of Macau were year 3 students Steve, Cheok Meng Fai and Thomas, Jiang Chuanglong and a year 2 student Sandra, Lo Pui San majored in Civil and Environmental Engineering of Faculty of Science and Technology, leaded by Prof. Er Guokang and Dr. Lam Chi Chiu.

The representatives said that, the competition gave them a valuable opportunity to put the theory into practice. By observing the models and communication with other university students, they were enlightened and comprehend the deeper concept of structure; also deeper interest and passion to the major of Civil Engineering were established.

由國家教育部, 住房和城鄉建設部, 中國土木工程學會聯合主辦, “東華測試盃”–第四屆全國大學生結構設計競賽 於2010年11月12日至15日於黑龍江省哈爾濱工業大學舉行。是次比賽吸引到70所重點大學, 71組隊伍參加。

此結構大賽為教育部確定為全九大大學生學科競賽之一,以創新、合作、實踐, 提升工科學生綜合素質為理念之大型比賽,為一相互交流, 彼此學習的重要平臺。本屆比賽題目為體育場懸挑屋蓋模型, 分別以靜荷載及動荷載進行測試, 質量最輕, 剛度最大者獲勝。

於大賽進行前, 各參賽隊伍需要遞交計劃書, 內容包括: 製作概念, 受力分析,以至一系列計算考量。在一連三日內, 利用指定材料, 包括木材, 膠水和大會提供之工具, 現場按設計圖製作模型。

本次評判團陣容鼎盛, 共25位土木工程領域傑出專家, 包括重點大學教授, 中國工程院院士等。

澳門大學曾參與第二屆之大連理工大學”建力盃” 以及 第三屆之同濟大學”金風杯”。今屆比賽, 本校派出科技學院土木工程大三學生卓明輝, 蔣闖隆, 和大二學生羅佩珊, 由顎國康教授及林智超博士率領出戰。

本校參賽代表表示, 是次比賽讓他們將課堂理論結合實際操作, 在大賽中跟觀摩參賽的模型, 以及與其他大學的交流更讓他們對結構有了進一步的啓發和領悟, 對土木工程此專業建立了更深層次的興趣和體驗。