
The SAR Macao Government has announced Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit awarded for 2021 by the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) on 19 Dec 2021. They are being given to 22 individuals and organisations in recognition of, respectively, achievement, outstanding contribution and distinguished service.

Medals for Distinguished Service are awarded to public entities, organisations or their staff for outstanding performance in their duties or community service. UM Vice Rector Prof. Rui Paulo da Silva Martins is the recipient of Medal of Merit – Education, and Prof. U Seng Pan, alumnus of FST, is the recipient of Medal of Merit – Industry and Commerce. The ceremony to award the Decorations, Medals and Certificates of Merit to the recipients will be held in late January 2022.


功績勳章共分七種,是頒授給在專業活動、推動和發展工商業、旅遊業、從事教育事業、發展藝術和文化事業、推動社會福利和慈善事業,以及體育事業方面有傑出貢獻的人士或實體。其中澳門大學副校長及科技學院講座教授馬許願(Rui Paulo da Silva Martins)獲教育功績勳章, 而科技學院校友余成斌教授則獲工商功績勳章。2021年度勳章、獎章和獎狀的頒授儀式,將於2022年1月下旬舉行。

來源: 新聞局(GCS)

馬許願 Rui Paulo da Silva Martins

余成斌 U Seng Pan