The International Workshop on Research Innovation and STEM Education for the Next Generation, an event organised by the Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion under the University of Macau’s (UM) Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education, attracted many overseas experts and scholars. Dr Rosalia Vargas, president of Ciência Viva, and representatives of UM discussed the possibility of collaboration on various STEM activities, the launch of international exchange activities in science and technology, and the establishment of a science promotion platform for Portuguese-speaking countries.
Participants in the workshop discussed the promotion of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education in various countries and regions. Dr Vargas, and three other experts from Japan, mainland China, and Macao, were the keynote speakers. They explained the importance of the promotion of STEM education and encouraged primary and secondary school students to develop an interest in science, acquire basic scientific knowledge, and apply the knowledge in daily lives. Dr Vargas believes it is important to foster science literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. He hopes to have the opportunity to work with UM to introduce Macao students to the latest technologies and creative ideas from other parts of the world.
Dr Vargas was warmly received by Rector Yonghua Song, Vice Rector Rui Martins, Global Affairs Office Director Cindy Lam, and Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion Director Tam Kam Weng. During the meeting, Dr Vargas and UM representatives discussed the possibility of collaboration on STEM activities and international student recruitment programmes. He also visited UM’s State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI and Chao Kuang Piu College and praised UM’s learning environment for science education. Ciência Viva is the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture of Portugal, which aims to promote public awareness about science, technology, and science education at a national level, with a particular emphasis on young people.
由澳門大學“澳門中小學生科技實踐基地”主辦的“面向下一代的研究創新和STEM教育” 國際研討會,吸引眾多海外專家學者參與;其中,葡萄牙國家科學暨技術文化推廣署主席Maria Rosália Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota與澳大進一步探討雙方在STEM教育計劃的合作,期望開辧不同的國際科技交流活動,構建葡語國家的科普平台。
是次國際研討會主要探討不同國家或地區在STEM教育推廣上的工作及進展。Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota與另外三名來自日本、中國及澳門的專家學者一同擔任主講嘉賓,向與會者闡述STEM教育的重要性,並鼓勵中小學生需培養紮實的基礎科技知識,以及提升自身的學習興趣,並活學活用,把科學知識及技能應用於日常生活中。Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota表示,透過STEM教育方法加強新一代的科學素養、批判性思維以及解決難題的能力,並期望與澳大合作,讓中小學生接觸世界不同學校的最新科技和創新思維。
Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota獲澳大校長宋永華、副校長馬許願、全球事務總監林鈺儀及科學暨工程科普推廣中心主任譚錦榮接待,雙方就STEM教育計劃的合作及國際學生招收計劃進行探討。Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota參觀了澳大模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室及曹光彪書院,並對澳大科技教學環境表示讚賞。葡萄牙國家科學暨技術文化推廣署為葡萄牙科技文化國際組織,旨在提升公眾對科技及科學教育意識,特別向年輕人進行科普推廣。
Dr Rosalia Vargas (3rd from right) attends a seminar at UM
Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota(右三)參與澳大研究會
A group photo of Dr Rosalia Vargas and Rector Yonghua Song
Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota與宋永華合影
Dr Rosalia Vargas (middle) visits the AMS-VLSI Lab
Vargas Esteves Lopes da Mota(中)參觀澳大微電子國家重點實驗室
A group photo