
Dr. Jianya Lu, a PhD graduate of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, the University of Macau (UM), received an offer of the position of Lecturer from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Essex, United Kingdom. The University of Essex is one of the leading research universities in the United Kingdom. This is the effort of UM’s years of hard work in talent development, and it is also an international recognition of UM’s educational level.

The University of Essex is a well-known university with first-class teaching quality and comprehensive scientific research strength. It was founded in 1964. It ranks 22nd among young universities in the world, 26th in the UK, and 76th in the world for university influence. The Department of Mathematical Sciences covers pure mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics and data science.

Jianya Lu has been studying for a PhD in Mathematics at UM since 2018. His research interests are limit theory, stochastic algorithms and Stein’s method. Jianya Lu, who received a teaching position at an internationally renowned university shortly after completing his defense, said, “I am very happy that my research and teaching skills have been recognized. Although I have no postdoctoral or overseas working experience, my two-year teaching assistantship at UM has greatly improved my teaching skills. UM’s English and international environment also broadened my horizons and successfully put me on track with international universities.” Under the guidance of Associate Prof Xu Lihu of FST, Jianya Lu conducted in-depth research on the subjects of statistical learning. He has published three papers in Bernoulli, a top journal in statistics. In the ongoing collaborative work with the scholars from the University of Chicago and Boston College, they succeeded in extending the classic almost sure invariance principle to infinite-dimensional space and removed the contraction condition. In addition, they used the generative adversarial networks to create high-dimensional stationary time series and carried out a theoretical analysis. With the advice and assiatance of Prof Xu, Jianya Lu thoroughly studied the British teaching style and prepared a scientific research plan. After full preparation, he passed the interview and received the offer of Lecturer. Except for Lu Jianya, three of the four Ph.D. graduates from Prof Xu’s research team have taught in top universities in Mainland China. This shows that UM’s academic reputation, scientific research and educational level are widely recognized by the international.

接軌國際,走向世界是澳門大學辦學的目標之一。日前科技學院數學系剛畢業的博士生魯建亞成功獲聘為艾塞克斯大學 (University of Essex) 數學科學系講師,職階與助理教授相同,這是對澳大多年來努力耕耘,育人為本的成果體現,也是國際對澳大辦學水平及人才的肯定。

艾塞克斯大學(University of Essex)是教學品質和綜合科研實力一流的知名大學,始建於1964年。全球年輕大學排名為22位,全英排名26位,大學影響力排名為全球76位 。其中數學科學系涵蓋純數學、應用數學、統計學以及資料科學等專業領域。

魯建亞自2018年攻讀澳大數學博士學位,研究方向為極限理論、隨機算法及Stein方法。對於完成答辯不久即獲國際知名大學教職的魯建亞表示:「很高興自身科研及教學水平獲認可,雖然沒有博士後或海外工作經驗,但在澳大擔任兩年助教大大提升了我的教學能力。而澳大的英語及國際化環境,也令我拓展視野,成功與國際大學接軌。」在科技學院徐禮虎副教授的用心指導下,魯建亞對統計學習的課題進行了深入且細緻的研究,更曾在統計學頂級期刊Bernoulli發表三篇論文。他們更與芝加哥大學、波士頓學院合作,把時間序列的經典結果強不變性原理推廣至無窮維,並且去掉了壓縮性條件;此外,他們還用對抗神經網路方法生成了高維的平穩時間序列,並進行了理論分析。在徐教授的建議及幫助下,魯建亞全面細緻地研究英國教學模式及準備科研計劃,在充分準備下面試,最終獲評委認可並獲錄用通知。徐教授的研究團隊人才輩出,除魯建亞外, 4名畢業的博士中3位皆任教於國內雙一流大學,表明澳大學術聲譽、科研及人才培養皆獲國內外社會廣泛認可。

Jianya Lu and Prof Xu Lihu (right)魯建亞及徐禮虎(右) 

Jianya Lu 魯建亞