
The Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) held the “Launch Ceremony of Funding Scheme for Key R&D Projects and the Summary Session on Key Research Project 2020” in the conference hall of the Macao Science Center on September 16, 2021. Many research teams of the University of Macau were invited to attend. At the ceremony, UM introduced 3 newly funded key R&D projects and reported on the progress of 3 on-going research projects which attracted nearly 200 participants to join. The event helps to promote the development of Macao’s science and technology industry and the transformation of scientific research results.

Of the four new key R&D projects that have just been funded this year, two are related to the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST). The first research is the project of  Rector Song Yonghua’s  “Intelligent coordinated operation, protection and application on integrated energy IoT”. The aim of this project is to develop a smart management platform for an integrated energy system, to ensure the city’s energy supply and to build a green and low-carbon smart Macau. The second research is Prof. Mak Pui In’s  “Develop power-efficient high-resolution GHzrange analog-to-digital converters in advance nanometer-scale technology”.   The research team and the enterprise also jointly designed and verified a highly integrated analog-to-digital converter chip, promoted transformation of application transformation, as well as facilitated the development of Macao’s chip design industry, which are beneficial to the formulation of a moderate diversification of Macao’s economy.

In the summary session on the key R & D, there are two research projects related to FST, including the research on key technologies and platforms for collaborative intelligence driven auto-driving cars” by Prof. Xu Chengzhong’s team and “Development of robotic intelligent operation system based on 3D vision sensing and compliant force control” by Professor Xu Qingsong’s team. Prof. Xu Chengzhong’s team introduced the representative results so far, such as the safety and reliability based on offensive and defensive countermeasures in smart driving, the adaptability of scenarios based on transfer learning in smart driving, and efficient reasoning in driving. The newly built Future Urban Intelligent Transportation Augmented Emulation Platform (FUTURE) has carried out collaborative control based on digital twin technology and successfully published  the results in the well-known journals.  The team also held the first autonomous driving course in Macao and it was invited to participate in the bidding of shuttle buses at famous international airports. The autonomous bus was also displayed at the Macao Science Center which successfully attracted many guests and citizens.

The second research project is the“Development of robotic intelligent operation system based on 3D vision sensing and compliant force control” by Prof. Qingsong Xu’s team. The team introduced the results so far, including the research on key technology of structured light 3D vision, the development and research of 3D vision guidance software, the research of laser scanning 3D measurement technology, and the constant polishing of end effector samples.

The ceremony and summary session has given the research teams an opportunity to introduce the details and achievements to general public and will help promote the development of local technology industry and scientific research.


今年剛獲資助的4個新重點研發項目中, 2個與科技學院相關,包括宋永華校長團隊的 “綜合能源物聯網的智能協同管控與防護關鍵技術及應用研究”。目標是開發綜合能源系統智慧管理平台,保障城市能源供應,建造綠色低碳的智慧澳門。其次是麥沛然教授團隊的 “於先進納米級工藝下開發高能效高分辨率吉赫茲采樣率的模數轉換器”。目標是設計及驗證一款高集成度的模數轉換器芯片,促進澳門芯片設計產業發展。

在研重點資助項目的匯報上,有2個是科技學院的在研項目,包括科技學院院長須成忠教授團隊的“協同智能驅動的無人駕駛關鍵技術與平台研究”。團隊介紹至今的代表性成果,如智慧駕駛中基於攻防對策的的安全可靠性、智能駕駛中基於遷移學習的場景適應性及駕駛中高效推理等。團隊表示在科學技術發展基金的支持下,研究獲得不俗的進展,例如新搭建的未來城市交通增強模擬實驗平臺(FUTURE)已開展基於數字孿生技術的協同控制、成功在期刊會議上發表具影響力的文章、舉辦全澳首屆自動駕駛課程、團隊獲邀參與著名國際機場穿梭巴士投標等。自動駕駛巴士更在現場作公開展示,吸引不少嘉賓及市民參觀。第二個在研項目是徐青松教授團隊的 “基於三維視覺感知與柔順力控的機器人智能作業系統研發”。徐教授介紹了至今的成果,包括結構光三維視覺關鍵技術研究、3D視覺引導軟體開發及研究、鐳射線掃描三維測量技術研究及恒力打磨末端執行器樣品等。


Prof. Xu Cheng-Zhong, Dean of FST, introduced the
key achievements of the research of autonomous bus

Prof Xu Qingsong introduced the research results

Prof. Xu Cheng-Zhong explained the principles of the
bus to Mr  Chan Wan Hei and Mr Cheang Kun Wai

大合照 Group Photo