Hu Xiaoxiao, a PhD student from the University of Macau (UM) Faculty of Science and Technology, recently received the Best Presentation Award, for her paper titled ‘Phase Based Edge Detection Algorithms’, at Computer Graphics International, one of the oldest annual international conferences on computer graphics.
This year’s conference was held at Keio University in Yokohama, Japan. During the Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering (ENGAGE) seminar, 19 scholars from different countries presented their latest research findings. Hu’s paper proposes making use of innovative image edge detection method with experimental results obtained from research. Her instructor is FST professor Kou Kit Ian.
Computer Graphics International is one of the oldest annual international conferences on computer graphics. Every year, it invites scholars and researchers from around the world to share their experience and achievements in various fields, including computer graphics, human-computer interaction, machine learning, and mathematics.
澳門大學科技學院博士生胡曉曉的科研論文《Phase based edge detection Algrothms》於全球歷史最悠久的電腦圖像會議Computer Graphics International(CGI)上獲國際專家高度肯定,並頒授“論文最佳表現獎"。
今屆CGI會議於日本慶應義塾大學舉行,在其中的Empowering Novel Geometric Algebra for Graphics and Engineering(ENGAGE)研討會上,共有19名來自不同國家的學者發表了各自最新的科研成果。澳大胡曉曉的研究利用了相位檢測圖像邊緣的創新方法,加上有效的實驗結果,獲一眾專家評審好評,奪“論文最佳表現獎"。該得獎論文是在澳大科技學院教授高潔欣指導下的研究工作。
UM PhD student Hu Xiaoxiao receives the Best Presentation Award at Computer Graphics International.