
A research team from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau (UM), recently won a third prize in the Metaverse Hackathon for Digitalization and Decarbonization in Construction at the 22nd International Conference on Construction Application of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2022).

The event attracted 17 international teams from 13 universities and two companies to exchange the latest research results in areas such as Digital Twin, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality. The UM team was formed by two FST students, namely Ho Man Hin and Qiao Yutong, research assistant professor Dr Wong Mun On in the FST; as well as Prof Pan Wan and Dr Zhang Zhiqian from the University of Hong Kong.

During the hackathon, the team presented a study titled ‘Loco-AR: Lift Operation Coordination using BIM and Multi-user AR’, which provides a novel solution to modular construction. Through superimposing real-time 4D building information modelling to construction sites, the project can enhance information sharing among construction workers at various locations, with the goal of promoting the culture of collaboration in the construction industry. 

CONVR is a world-leading conference in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality and building information modelling for smart construction. This year’s conference attracted 550 researchers from 71 universities and ten companies in 22 different countries.

澳門大學科技學院土木與環境工程系的研究團隊於第22屆虛擬現實建築應用國際會議(The 22nd International Conference on Construction Application of Virtual Reality)中的建築數字化和脫碳化元宇宙編程馬拉松(The Metaverse Hackathon For Digitalization and Decarbonization in Construction)中榮獲季軍。

是次活動吸引了13所大學和2家公司一共17支國際團隊參與,分享數字孿生、區塊鏈、人工智能、虛擬/增擴/混合現實等領域的前沿學術成果,以助力傳統建造革新。研究團隊由兩名澳大科技學院學生何文軒和譙昱彤,澳大科技學院研究助理教授黃滿安,香港大學教授潘巍和博士張志乾組成。在比賽上,團隊展示一項名為“基於建築信息模型和多用戶增擴現實技術實現吊裝操作協調(Loco-AR: Lift Operation Coordination using BIM and Multi-user AR)”的最新研究,為模塊化建築提供一種新穎的技術解決方案,將實時四維建築信息模型投影到施工現場,促進不同位置的施工人員進行信息共享,以加強建築行業的協作文化。

CONVR 2022是一個面向虛擬現實、增強現實和建築信息建模在智能建造領域應用的世界領先會議。是次會議有來自 22 個不同國家、71 所大學和 10 家公司共 550 名科研人員參與。


The winning project 獲奬作品

Wong Mun On, Qiao Yutong, and Ho Man Hin (from left)

The award certificate