
Sou Weng Sut, Chan Chon Wa and Choy Kam Cheong, Civil Engineering undergraduates of the University of Macau, got the Merit prize at the “6th Inter-University Invitational Civil Engineering Competition” hosted by National University of Singapore in Singapore from 1st to 4th of June, 2010. Led by Dr. Lam Chi Chiu, assistant professor of Civil Engineering, they competed with 10 teams from different universities in Asia, including Monash University of Australia, Tsinghua University of China, Tongji University of China, the University of Hong Kong, Hanyang University of Korea, and Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College of Malaysia.

The aim of the competition is to develop friendship and to enhance better understanding among civil engineering students with different cultures from different regions of Asia. It is also expected that, through this competition, closer ties and improved relationships can be established between the departments of civil engineering of the invited universities. The first competition was held in Tsinghua University in 2000. The University of Macau was the host of the third competition in 2004. In each competition, students compete on a theme in structural engineering as well as other games in engineering designed by the host university.

The theme of the competition this year was to design and fabricate a transformable bridge-like walkway consisting of two half-circles, which can be connected to both an S-shape and a circle of the walkway. Both configurations were tested with vertical static loading first and then tested with impact vertical loading. The main materials for fabrication were 1mm thick balsa wood slats and 1mm diameter nylon cords. In the competition, each team was required to submit a report of their structural design first, and then finish the fabrication of their designed model within two and a half days. The prize ranking of the qualified model was then decided based on the total weight and deformation of the structure. The lightest model which also satisfied the deformation requirement set by the organizer received the highest ranking. In this competition, the lightest model was 46g, and the heaviest one was over 300g while the model by the team of the University of Macau was weighted 146g. The team from Monash University of Australia received the first prize, and the team from the University of Macau had the merit prize. Through this competition, not only did the students have the opportunity to meet with students and professors from other universities, it also provided opportunities for students and professors from other universities to get to know more about the University of Macau. The next competition will be held in the Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College of Malaysia in 2012.



是屆主題為製作一個可變作圓形及S形狀之行人天橋。在不同之形狀下測試結構用以承受垂直靜荷載及動力垂直荷載之能力。製作模型之材料為一毫米厚之木板及一毫米粗之尼龍絲。而獲獎名次則按照模型之重量及變形排名,重量最輕和變形符合大會要求之模型名次最高。在比賽開始之前,每一參賽隊伍需要向主辦單位提交一份設計報告,然後開始為期两天半的現場模型製作。是次比賽作品中,最輕的模型為46 克,最重的模型則超過300克,澳門大學隊製作的模型重量則為146克。結果最後由澳洲蒙那許大學隊奪得一等獎,澳門大學隊則獲得優良獎。透過參加是次比賽,學生不但可與來自各地的大學生交流,還可讓各地大學的師生對澳門大學有更深入的認識。
