A group of students from the Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), University of Macau (UM), recently swept the top three prizes in the longest airtime (group) contest of the university category at the Fifth Greater China Students Paper Plane Contest cum the Ninth Macau Paper Airplane Contest. During the event, UM students competed with more than 300 students and participants from over 30 higher education institutions in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan. This is the sixth consecutive year that UM students have won championships in this contest.
The event was organised by the Macao Innovation and Invention Association. In the longest airtime (group) contest of the university category, the team ‘Go ahead’, formed by students Wong Chi Hong, Sin Wai Kit, and Wong Wai Hong, won the first prize. The team ‘Lei Hou Choi Chi’, formed by students Tang Choi I, Iong Chi Hong, and Lei Hin Chon, won the second prize. The team ‘Never land’, formed by Jin Bozhong, Lao Hio Hou, and Wong Chak Leong, won the third prize. The team ‘Go ahead’ also won the third prize in the longest distance (group) contest of the open category. The students received guidance from FST Senior Instructor Lao Seng Kin.
In the longest airtime (individual) contest, Lei Hin Chon won the third prize, and UM alumnus Ma Ieng won the first prize.
澳門大學科技學院機電工程系學生組隊參與2019 “衝上雲霄•慶回歸”——第五屆海峽兩岸與港澳地區暨第九屆全澳學界紙飛機競技大賽,與來自海峽兩岸暨港澳地區共30多所學校的300多名學生及參賽者進行比拼,最終澳大隊於大專院校組別“飛行時間最長”比賽項目中包辦團體冠亞季軍,連續六年奪得冠軍。
UM has won championships at a local paper plane contest six years in a row
UM students fly their paper planes during the contest
A group photo