
The water in Main Storage Water Reservoir of Macau (MMR) is one of the sources of drinking water for Macao residents. Examining the impact of natural processes on MMR water quality could help to monitor the water quality. Lin Fei I, Alice is one of the 2020/2021 outstanding undergraduate graduates in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, her final year project is about using machine learning calculation methods to predict the water quality of Macao’s reservoirs. It predicts whether there will be changes in the water quality during natural processes, such as surplus of organic material or algal bloom. The machine learning methods used in the project include support vector machines (SVM), genetic algorithms (GA), grid search (GS), and sensitivity analysis. Alice’s project evaluated the chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total dissolved solids (TDS) content from January 2008 to April 2019. Compared with traditional direct sampling methods, artificial intelligence methods can predict changes in the next few months. The application of machine learning calculation methods to water quality prediction is also a very innovative research method. Her graduation project was selected as one of the ‘Best Excellent Projects’.

Alice has a keen interest in Mathematics and Physical Mechanics since she was young. When she was in high school, she participated into the summer camp organized by FST and was deeply impressed by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She participated in various competitions, seminars and student unions and visited different countries in the four years in UM. ‘Except for the beautiful studying environment, UM has relatively rich learning resources for students. There are many exchange opportunities and students are allowed to apply for scholarship. So that student can hone and improve themselves in every aspects.’ ‘The largest achievement of doing this project is having an opportunity to read a lot of related articles which help to improve my ideas, and to complete my goals step by step.’ Alice says. As one of the awardees of “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Outstanding Graduates Award in Civil Engineering” , she will continue to pursue a master’s degree and continue her learning journey at UM in the coming future.


澳門水塘的水資源是本地居民的飲用水源之一,了解自然過程對水塘的影響,將有助水質的監測。林菲兒是2020/2021學年土木及環境工程系優秀本科畢業生,她的畢業設計項目是運用機器學習的方法對澳門水塘水質進行預測。預測自然過程中水塘水質有否變化,例如某類物質過剩,海藻或有機物質爆發等。項目採用機器學習方法包括相關支持向量機(SVM)、遺傳算法(GA)、網格搜索(GS)和敏感性分析評估了 2008 年 1 月至 2019年4月的化學需氧量(COD)和總溶解固體(TDS)含量。對比傳統用直接抽樣方式檢驗,用人工智能的方法就可預測未來數月的變化,把機器學習應用於水質預測也是十分新穎研究方法。 她的畢業設計作品更獲選成為「最佳優秀作品項目」之一。

自幼對數學和物理力學有濃厚興趣的她,中學曾參與澳大科技學院舉辦的暑期研習營,對土木及環境工程系印象深刻,因此升讀大學時也優先選擇澳大。性格積極開朗的林菲兒表示大學四年參加過各式各樣的比賽,研討會及學生會,也走訪過不同地方交流。說:「發現澳大除了環境優美,學習資源也相對較豐富。澳大給予學生很多出國交流的機會,還可以申請獎學金,同時也可以全方位磨練和提升自己。」提及畢業設計項目最大的收穫就是有機會閱讀大量相關文章,柔合自己的想法,腳踏實地,一步一步完成研究目標。獲得本年度 “粵港澳大灣區高校土木工程專業優秀本科畢業生獎、的她,未來她將繼續在澳大升讀碩士,延續在澳大的學習之旅。

Alice Lin and her mentors Gao Liang(left) and Zhang Ping

Alice Lin received the award of ‘Best Excellent Projects’