The Summer Camp offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology is a technology-themed summer camp which aims to provide a platform for students from different disciplines to learn and exchange technology knowledge, while also inspiring their interest and passion for technology. It includes laboratory visits, lectures, competitions and DIY activities. Students will have the opportunity to attend to lectures by professionals. At the same time, they can also visit the laboratories of the University of Macau and learn about various advanced technology equipment and techniques.

The duration of the summer camp is generally around one week and it is opened to local high school students. FST has 8 summer camps in 2022, you are welcome to find the details of each camp, please submit the application form to Mr Roy Leong ( by 6 June 2022 (Mon)

Application Form (Download)

1. 機電工程夏令營 (14-15 July 2022)

During the 2 days of the proposed summer camp, participants will have hands-on practices for the creation of working scaled models based on real-life structures, and, in the meantime, learning the physics and engineering principles of these structures in order to solve common problems found in mechanical design. Laboratories/industrial visits will be arranged for participants such that they can have a better understanding of Electromechanical Engineering.


 2. 多功能電池夏令營 2022 (19-21 July 2022)

The proposed science activity entitled “Multi-Functional Battery Summer Camp 2022” aims at arousing the interest of Macau youths in science and engineering with the next-generation energy materials and related applications. To be specific, we are proposing to introduce the basic concepts of efficient energy storage with batteries, as well as the low-loss transmission of energy via superconductivity. Hands-on experiments in battery assembly and interactive demonstration of superconductivity will surely bring unprecedented science experiences to the participants.



3. 面向未来的數字挑戰 (22-23 July 2022)

在生活中很多與數學連上關係, 例如進入公共場所的二維碼, 存輸資料的無線信號, 互聯網上的串流視頻, 人工智能臉部識別, 這些細微的東西在我們的生活密切相關, 具有容量大及速度快的特性. 但這些技術的背後都是有關計算的設備, 可以只是一台機器又或者一組伺服器, 我們每天的資訊都在網絡中轉發來回於這些計算之中. 如果能在已有的設備改良算法, 可以提高效益, 這樣革命性的改變在我們這資訊年代不停發生. 我們希望透過回顧這二十年來數學應用在互聯網上所得到的改善, 加深參與者對數學及其他科學的興趣.



4. 澳門大學智慧城市與物聯網科技體驗夏令營 2022 (22-24 July 2022)

以 5G 為代表的物聯網技術是現代科技發展的重要前沿,也是智慧城市建設的核心基礎技術之 一。為了能吸引更多本地學生積極學習物聯網技術,培養澳門未來資訊科技人才,為建設智慧澳 門、智慧大灣區貢獻力量,澳門大學擬開展智慧城市與物聯網科技體驗夏令營。 本次夏令營依託於澳門大學科技學院電機及電腦工程系、澳門大學智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗 室、澳門大學模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室開展。將邀請澳門大學相關領域 知名學者介紹智慧城市和物聯網的基本概念、研究現狀、未來發展趨勢等,幫助對智慧城市和物 聯網技術的發展建立全面、系統的認識。除此之外,夏令營也將為學生提供物聯網技術設計課程, 鍛煉學生們的動手能力,並在實踐過程中,加強學生對物聯網的理解。








5. 氣候轉變與土木工程夏令營 (26-28 July 2022)

Climate Change and Civil Engineering Summer Camp (CCCSC) aims to provide interactive and heuristic learning environment for students to understand the civil engineering solution to adaptation to climate change. Three days summer camp involves game, organization visit, talk, workshop and experiment.

The details are as below
Day 1: Morning: Opening introduction and Ice-breaking activities
Afternoon: Pervious Concrete Experiments and SMG Visit
Day 2: Morning: Talk and Workshop I – Urban Planning and Structures
Afternoon: Talk and Workshop II – Geotechnical Engineering
Day 3: Morning: Talk and Workshop III – Hydraulics
Afternoon Talk and Workshop IV –Environmental Engineering


 6. 機器人與人工智能夏令營2022 (28-29 July 2022)


主題一: 移動機器人的設計與編程,幫助學生了解人工智能的一些基本知識和智能控制的原理。在設計的比賽中,學生需要組裝移動機器人,連接傳感器並進行編程及調整參數及來完成機器人自走迷宮。
主題二: 電腦視覺應用。在這個活動中,我們會向學生介紹電腦視覺(computer vision)以及人工智能的應用,兩者結合後透過微型電腦操控機械手臂,完成任務。



7. 智能駕駛夏令營2022 (14-15 July 2022)

包括授課、演示、團隊遊戲和實踐操作活動。通過這些活動,學生們可以對自動駕駛系統中的傳感器部件、模塊極其基本構成和工作原理有所了解。 本夏令營包含兩大主題。 主題一: 認識自動駕駛系統傳感器和主要功能模塊,幫助學生了解自動駕駛中車輛用於感知周邊環境的常見傳感器,大致明白其效果和工作原理,隨後進一步介紹各個功能模塊的效果和原理,為全面認識自動駕駛系統打下基礎。在設計的團隊遊戲中,學生需要各自處理一種傳感器的模擬數據,得到感知的結果,並通過信息交互和協作來完成一個模擬的自動駕駛任務。 主題二: 體驗先進的商用自動駕駛系統。在這個主題的活動中,我們會設置軟硬件結合的自動駕駛環境的模擬環境,並演示完整自動駕駛系統在這個環境中工作的實況。學生可以藉此了解到真實工況下傳感器的工作模式以及各個計算模塊的合作效果。同時學生也可以通過和自動駕駛環境同屏操控來體驗。最後,我們會介紹若干涉及自動駕駛計算模塊原理的基本算法思想,寓教於學習。


 8. 微電子國家重點實驗室晶片設計體驗夏令營2022 (27-29 July 2022)
