Ongoing Research Projects

FDCT Approved Project

Category Project Title PI Start Date End Date
Regular Project Theory and Key Technology of Distributed Parallel Intelligent Damage Diagnosis for Bridge Engineering Powered by Physical Properties of Long-gauge Strain Transmissibility
Wangji YAN 2024-10-14 2027-10-13
FDCT-MOST Research and Development of Key Technologies for Self-powered and Self-sensing FRP Reinforced Lightweight UHPC Marine Single Body Floating Structures
新型自供能、自感知FRP增強輕質UHPC 海洋單體漂浮結構關鍵技術研發
Wai-Meng QUACH 2024-10-01 2027-09-30
Regular Project MANEUVER – Methodologies for autonomous surface craft navigating in unknown environments
Joel OLIVEIRA REIS 2024-09-22 2027-09-21
Regular Project Digital Twinning for Intelligent Fire Safety Management of Heritage Buildings
Mun On WONG 2024-09-22 2026-09-21
FDCT-GDST Study of Biochemical Crystallization-Based Desalination of Leachate and Its Potential Application Investigation
Guangsheng QIAN 2024-09-16 2026-09-15
Regular Project Investigations of Brown Carbon Aerosol and Sea Spray Aerosol Photolysis by Single-particle Levitation Coupled with Raman Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
Yongjie LI 2024-01-16 2027-01-15
Regular Project Automatic exploration by unmanned aerial vehicle system for debris flow channel detection
Ping SHEN 2024-01-16 2027-01-15
Regular Project Long-term deformation of shield tunnels crossing land-sea transitional zones and development of an intelligent health monitoring platform
Wanhuan ZHOU 2024-01-16 2027-01-15
FDCT-NSFC Long-Span Bridge Structural Health Diagnosis and Prognosis Based on Cyber-Physical Systems of Probabilistic Machine Learning and Vector Form Intrinsic Finite Element
Sin Chi KUOK 2023-12-01 2026-11-30
FDCT-NSFC Laboratory and field investigations on aqueous-phase oxidation of atmospheric organic compounds based on bulk-solution, single-particle, and suspended-aerosol experiments
Yongjie LI 2023-12-01 2026-11-30
Regular Project Formation Mechanism and Preventative Strategy of Hypoxia in Macau Waters
Jie XU 2023-12-01 2026-11-30
Regular Project The optimization scheme of phage treatment of vibrio disease in shrimp culture
Jie XU 2023-06-24 2026-06-23
Regular Project Impacts of different commercial silane coatings to algal toxicity of metal nanoparticle mixtures
Weng Seng LAI 2023-04-24 2026-04-23
Regular Project Human-like Intelligent Driving Planning and Control in Open Uncertainty Environments
Zhenning LI 2023-01-08 2025-01-07
Regular Project Fabrication, Mechanical Properties and Structural Performance of Wire and Arc Additive Manufactured Stainless Steel Structural Members
Wai-Meng QUACH 2022-12-17 2025-12-16
Regular Project Preparation of graphene oxide membrane embedded with controlled-release scale inhibitor nanomaterials to control membrane scaling and biofouling
Ping ZHANG 2022-12-17 2025-12-16
Regular Project Decision support system and virtual reality technologies for analyzing and mitigating flood hazards
Liang GAO 2022-12-17 2025-12-16
Regular Project Conceptual and process validation of the bacteria-algae symbiotic granular sewage treatment system toward efficient treatment and high-value resource recovery
Guangsheng QIAN 2022-12-17 2025-12-16
Regular Project Turning organic solid wastes into value-added products: The mechanistic study and process development of an electrochemical pretreatment-anaerobic digestion (EPT-AD) system
Tianwei HAO 2022-12-17 2025-12-16
Regular Project Virtual Augmented Intelligent Sensing Network Configuration for Cyberphysical Structural Health Monitoring
Sin Chi KUOK 2022-01-10 2025-01-09
Regular Project Decision support system and virtual reality technologies for analyzing and mitigating flood hazards Liang GAO 2022-10 2025-09
Regular Project Probabilistic Machine Learning for Evolution Law Tracking and Intelligent Detection of Fatigue Damage for High-Speed Railway subjected to Multiple Uncertainties
Wangji YAN 2022-01-07 2025-01-06
FDCT-MOST Strait-channel effects in coastal area of Macao during storm surge and forecasting techniques for storm surge
Huabin SHI 2021-10 2024-09
Regular Project Modification of an Electrodynamic Balance and Application to Study Hygroscopic Behavior and Phase State of Saccharides in Marine Aerosols
Yongjie LI 2021-10-01 2024-09-30
Regular Project Applicability of machine learning techniques to the prediction of storm surge in Macao
Huabin SHI 2021-07-18 2023-07-17
Regular Project Fundamental mechanisms and processes of rainstorm-induced mountainous hazard chain and multi-hazard risk assessment
Ping SHEN 2021-06-08 2024-06-07
Regular Project Changes of Storm Surges in Macao under Sea Level Rise
Huabin SHI 2021-06-08 2024-06-07
Regular Project Variability of cross-slope exchanges in the northern South China Sea and its influences on the shelf circulations neighboring the Greater Bay Area in changing climate
Zhongya CAI 2021-06-08 2024-06-07
Regular Project Changes of storm surge in Macao under sea level rise
Huabin SHI 2021-06 2024-05
FDCT Project Variability of cross-slope exchanges in the northern South China Sea and its influences on the shelf circulations neighboring the Greater Bay Area in changing climate
Zhongya CAI 2021-06 2023-06
Joint Projects (GDST) Key technologies for the development of an intelligent platform for safety operation of urban underground rail transportation and pilot applications
Wanhuan ZHOU 2021-03-24 2023-03-23
Special Funds Development of intelligent optical fiber sensors for building safety monitoring
Wanhuan ZHOU 2021-01-04 2023-01-03
Regular Project Effects of anthropogenic and marine aerosol inorganic salts on the aqueous-phase photolysis of atmospheric nitro-phenolic compounds
Yongjie LI 2020-09-22 2023-09-21
Joint Projects (Mainland) Study on corrosion and synergistic protection mechanism of reinforcement in marine concrete structures
Ping ZHANG 2020-09-22 2023-09-21
Joint Projects (Mainland) Seepage and Durability of Deep Buried Immersed Tunnel in Marine Backfill and Water Environment
Wanhuan ZHOU 2020-09-22 2023-09-21
Regular Project Bayesian Time-Varying Approach for Modal Identification and Long-term Evolution Analysis for Bridges subject to Complex Operational Environments
Wangji YAN 2020-09-22 2022-09-21
Regular Project Numerical modelling of typhoon-induced storm surges and floods in Macau
Liang GAO 2020-09-22 2022-09-21
Regular Project Utilization and mechanistic understanding of polymeric inhibitors and inhibitor nanomaterials for mineral scale control
Ping ZHANG 2020-05-24 2023-05-23
Regular Project Study of face stability technology for slurry shield tunneling
Wanhuan ZHOU 2019-09-17 2022-09-16


UM Internal Research Project

Category Project Title PI Start Date End Date
MYRG Bayesian Influence Line Identification based on a New Variational Inference Paradigm with Equivalent Neural Network Representation and Its Application to Probabilistic Online Damage Detection for Bridge Engineering
Wangji YAN 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Investigation on the SSS-EPC method for the transient probabilistic solutions of large nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems and applications
Guokang ER 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Novel Multi-Physics-Informed Machine Learning Scheme for Probability Density Evolution of Steel Rail Fatigue Damage
Sin Chi KUOK 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Investigation of Multi-user collaborative BIM-VR system for Modular Construction Safety Training with real-time interaction implementation
Chi Chiu LAM 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Toxicity and Absorptivity of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) from Naphthalene Oxidation
Yongjie LI 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Research on key technologies for non-destructive detection of tile detachments on building exteriors
Mi PAN 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Response of bacterial metabolic activity to global warming in eutrophic and oligotrophic waters
Jie XU 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Adopting ferrous carbonate scale and its nanomaterials for carbon steel pipe corrosion control
Ping ZHANG 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
MYRG Settlement modeling of HZMB tunnel based on PIML algorithm under complex loading
Wanhuan ZHOU 2025-01-01 2026-12-31
SRG Dynamic-model-free controller design for underwater vehicle manipulator systems (UVMSs)
Joel OLIVEIRA REIS 2024-02-21 2027-02-20
MYRG Bayesian machine-learning algorithm-based anammox process optimization coupled with experimental validation and mechanism elucidation
Tianwei HAO 2024-01-01 2025-12-31
MYRG Effects of light-absorbing organic components on nitrous acid (HONO) production from nitrate photolysis on simulated urban grime
Yongjie LI 2024-01-01 2025-12-31
Others Biogeochemical dynamics of particulate organic matter in the northern South China Sea during summer
Jie XU 2024-01-01 2024-12-31
CPG Simultaneous identification of vehicle loads, vehicle speed and structural health indicators for bridges using vibration and image fused data
基於振動和圖像融合數據的車載, 車速和橋樑健康指標識別
Ka Veng YUEN 2024-01-01 2024-12-31
MYRG Predicting the storm surges and floods in Pearl River Estuary using a new model coupling the physics-guided models and machine learning methods
Liang GAO 2024-01 2025-12
SRG Research on brain-like autonomous driving technology for open traffic senarios
Zhenning LI 2023-09-05 2026-09-04
SRG Research on artificial intelligence and robotics for future modular construction
Mi PAN 2023-02-10 2026-02-09
MYRG Unsupervised Damage Detection for Bridges Utilizing Statistical Property of Strain Transmissibility under Moving Vehicles and Novel Probabilistic Machine Learning Schemes
Wangji YAN 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
CPG Health monitoring of high speed railway by using heterogeneous data
Ka Veng YUEN 2023-01-01 2023-12-31
MYRG Investigation of Engineering geopolymer composite for strengthening masonry structures
Chi Chiu LAM 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
MYRG Heterotrophic bacteria-mediated carbon cycle in coral reef ecosystems
Jie XU 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
MYRG Applications and investigation of artificial neural network in analyzing the static and dynamic structures
Guokang ER 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
MYRG A feasibility and mechanistic study of the co-treatment of sulfite-containing wastes and waste activated sludge for energy harvesting
Tianwei HAO 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
MYRG Co-photolysis of atmospheric particulate nitrate and brown carbon (BrC) chromophores and implications on atmospheric chemistry and health effects
Yongjie LI 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
MYRG Modelling the compound floods upon combined rainfall and storm surge events in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area under a changing climate
Liang GAO 2023-01 2024-12
SRG Phosphorus limitation mediates nitrogen uptake of phytoplankton in the Greater Bay coastal waters
Jie XU 2022-07-29 2025-07-28
MYRG Development of functional nanocomposite materials to remediate organic pollutants in sediment medium
Ping ZHANG 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
MYRG Mechanism study and technical development of mitigating hydrogen sulfide in coastal areas
Tianwei HAO 2022-01-01 2023-12-31
MYRG Multi-scale Modelling of Rain-induced hazards in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Liang GAO 2022-01 2023-12
SRG Bayesian machine learning framework for data-centric structural health monitoring
Sin Chi KUOK 2021-06-02 2024-06-01
SRG On the interplay of the three-layer slope current in the northern South China Sea
Zhongya CAI 2020-05-01 2023-04-30
SRG Safety of sandy beaches in tropical storms
Huabin SHI 2020-05-01 2023-04-30
SRG Characterizing the spatial variations and correlations of rainstorms in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
Liang GAO 2020-02-01 2023-01-31
SRG Overpressure Loading Modelling and Evolution Mechanism of Structural Dynamical Responses subjected to Hydrogen Explosion Disaster
Wangji YAN 2020-02-01 2023-01-31
SRG Evaluating flooding risks in artificial islands of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge under extreme weather scenarios
Ping SHEN 2020-02-01 2023-01-31


NSFC Project

Funding Scheme Project Title PI Start Date End Date
NSFC-國家自然科學基金面上專案 Study on the dynamical response of the layered circulation in South China Sea to the monsoon and Kuroshio intrusion
Zhongya CAI 2024-01  
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 Achieving the recovery of high-value sulfated polysaccharides with biological sulfur-conversion granules: From mechanisms to products
Guangsheng QIAN 2024-01-01 2026-12-31
NSFC-優秀青年科學基金項目(港澳) Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery
Tianwei HAO 2023-01-01 2025-12-31
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 Modelling the dynamic processes of debris flows and the uncertainties in an urban environment
Liang GAO 2023-01-01 2025-12-31
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 Mechanisms in the evolution of mass flows in submarine landslides and a unified constitutive law
Huabin SHI 2022-01-01 2024-12-31
NSFC-優秀青年科學基金(港澳) Disaster prevention in geotechnical engineering
Wanhuan ZHOU 2021-01-01 2025-12-31
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 On the interplay among the three-layer slope current in the northern South China Sea
Zhongya CAI 2021-01-01 2023-12-31
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 Mechanism and numerical model of two-phase flow dynamics and erosion process for rain-induced hazard chains
Ping SHEN 2021-01-01 2023-12-31
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 On the interplay among the three-layer slope current in the northern South China Sea
Zhongya CAI 2021-01 2023-12
NSFC-青年科學基金項目 Environmentally friendly phosphors-free scale inhibitor nanoparticles: Synthesis and environmental impact studies
Ping ZHANG 2020-01-01 2022-12-31


Other External Project

Funding Source Project Title PI Start Date End Date
Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee
Intelligent Driving Motion Planning in Open Uncertainty Environments
Zhenning LI 2024-05-24 2026-05-23
青島山科數聚信息科技有限公司 Development of a High-Resolution Numerical Simulation and Visualization System for Oceanic Disaster Processes in the Coastal Region of China Sea
Zhongya CAI 2024-05-15 2025-12-14
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Investigation on the saltwater intrusion in the Great Bay Area
Zhongya CAI 2024-01-01 2028-12-31
廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究委員會 Sediment Transport in the Swash Zone of Sandy Beaches under Highly Non-Linear Waves
Huabin SHI 2024-01-01 2026-12-31
AOE Project Study of the regional earth system for sustainable development under changing climate in the Greater Bay Area
Zhongya CAI
2024-01 2028-12
CORE Project Time-dependent modulation of the upper layer influx on the deep intrusion between the South China Sea and Open Ocean
Zhongya CAI 2023-06 2024-05
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Center for Ocean Research in Hong Kong and Macau (CORE)
Interactions of bacterial community and dissolved organic carbon in the Pearl River Estuary
Jie XU 2023-06-01 2024-11-30
Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee
Intelligent control-based anaerobic membrane bioreactor and partial nitritation-anammox integrated (APAI) system for efficient municipal wastewater treatment
新型高速雙段厭氧耦合(APAI) 污水處理工藝與智能系統的關鍵技術研究
Tianwei HAO 2023-05-01 2025-04-30
水利部粵港澳大灣區水安全保障重點實驗室(籌)開放研究基金專案 Development of ecoshoreline technical standards in the Greater Bay Area
Weng Seng LAI 2023-03-01 2025-02-28
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority (HKZMBA)
Intelligent safety monitoring and emergency management of major cross-sea traffic cluster projects
Wanhuan ZHOU 2023-01-01 2024-12-31
廣東省科學技術廳 High-performance sensing and monitoring technology and platform for safe operation of urban underground pipelines
Wanhuan ZHOU 2022-09-01 2025-08-31
Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee
Building up an early-warning platform for urban floods based on the IoT monitoring system and numerical modelling Liang GAO 2022-04 2024-04
CORE Project Hydrodynamic connectivity and coherent regions over the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent shelf
Zhongya CAI 2022-04 2023-09
Alliance of International Science Organizations(ANSO) Remote Sensing Information Processing and Its Application in the Urban Environment Liang GAO 2022-01 2025-12
南方海洋科學與工程廣東省實驗室(珠海)自主科研專案—青年人才支持專案 Improvement and application of GNSS-R remote sensing to the measurement of storm surge and typhoon wave in the coastal area of Macao
Huabin SHI 2021-10 2024-09
Guangdong Science and Technology Department
Guangdong–Hong Kong-Macau Joint Laboratory for Smart Cities
Ka Veng YUEN 2020-07-01 2023-06-30
北京雲廬科技有限公司 智慧城市中結構體運維檢測數據仿真分析及機器學習的算法結合研究 Ping SHEN 2020-07-01 2023-06-30
熱帶海洋環境國家重點實驗室 南海北部跨陸坡輸運年際及長期演化趨勢 Zhongya CAI 2020-07-01 2022-06-30
CORE Project 1. Flood Coping Capabilities under Storms in Metropolitan Area
2. Modelling the impacts of climate change and human activities on storm surges and floods in Macao
3. The Propagation and Interaction of Tide, River Discharge, and Storm Surge in the Makou-Dahengqin Tidal Reach of Pearl River Estuary
Liang GAO 2020-06 2024-05
廣東省科學技術廳 Intelligent safety monitoring and emergency control of major cross-sea transportation projects
Wanhuan ZHOU
(PI in UM)
2020-01-01 2022-12-31
跨海集群設施服役狀態評估及智能維養技術與裝備 Wanhuan ZHOU
2019-12-01 2022-11-30
Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) FRP、UHPC加固水下梁柱
Structural Repair of Reinforced Concrete Members with FRP and UHPC under Marine Environments
QUACH Wai Meng 2019-09-01 2022-08-30
Ministry of Education, Malaysia A mathematical model for high strength cold-formed steel screwed connection under cyclic loading QUACH Wai Meng
2019-01-01 2022-03-31


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  • Room E11-3027,
    Faculty of Science and Technology,
    University of Macau, E11,
    Avenida da Universidade, Taipa,
    Macau, China

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