Academic Staff
Department Head

UMDF Professorial Fellow of Mathematics
(853) 8822-9944 E11-3073
Research Interests:
Analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations arising in various fields of sciences and engineering, including physics, material sciences, image processing, population dynamics, etc. Calculus of variations and applications.
Chair Professor

UMDF Chair Professor of Applied Mathematics
Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), FST
Director of Centre for Applied Mathematics
(853) 8822-4464 E11-4042a
Research Interests:
General area of scientific and engineering computing including parallel algorithms and high performance software for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, domain decomposition methods, multigrid methods, numerical linear algebra, PDE constrained optimizations, inverse problems, stochastic partial differential equations, computational fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interactions, computational biomechanics, and parallel processing.
Distinguished Professor
(853) 8822-4390 E11-3082
Research Interests:
Scientific Computing, Numerical Linear Algebra – especially on fast iterative solvers for structured systems and their applications, Financial Mathematics.
(853) 8822-4455 E11-3080
Research Interests:
Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical PDEs, Control Theory, Computational Finance.
Seak Weng VONG, George, Ph.D. (黃錫榮)
(853) 8822-4359 E11-3071
Research Interests:
Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Mathematical Theory of Shock Waves, Computational Linear Algebra.
(853) 8822-4494 E11-3072
Research Interests:
Statistical Inference of Stochastic Processes, Statistics of High Frequency Data, Volatility Estimation, Risk Management.
Associate Professors
Che Man CHENG, Raymond, Ph.D. (鄭智文)
Associate Head of Department of Mathematics (MAT)
(853) 8822-4457 E11-3065
Research Interests:
Matrix theory, including numerical ranges, eigenvalues and singular values, and Hurwitz matrix equations.
(853) 8822-4372 E11-3063
Research Interests:
Stochastic Differential Equations, Stochastic Optimal Control Theory, Financial Mathematics and Option Pricing Theory, Probability and Statistics.
(853) 8822-8544 E11-3070
Research Interests:
Electronic Structure Calculations, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Adaptive Methods of Partial Differential Equations.
Kit Ian KOU, Anna, Ph.D. (高潔欣)
(853) 8822-4472 E11-3067
Research Interests:
Fourier Analysis, Clifford Analysis, Windowed Linear Canonical Analysis, Shannon Sampling Theorems, Harmonic Analysis in Euclidean Spaces.
Coordinator of Student Exchange Programs
(853) 8822-4449 E11-3066
Research Interests:
Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Partial Differential Equations, Adaptive Method for Singular Problems, Phase-Field Simulations of Two-Phase Flows.
(853) 8822-4468 E11-3068
Research Interests:
Wavelets, Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics, Image Processing.
(853) 8822-4475 E11-3062
Research Interests:
Computational Intelligence: Neural Networks, Evolutional Optimization, Applications of Mathematics.
(853) 8822-4429 E11-3075
Research Interests:
Stochastic Processes, Stochastic PDEs and Ergodic Theory, Probability Limit Theorems and Large (Moderate) Deviations, High Dimensional Probability and Statistics.
(853) 8822-8546 E11-3069
Research Interests:
Partial Differential Equations.
Assistant Professors
(853) 8822-4290 E11-3048
Research Interests:
Parallel algorithms and high performance software for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations, Computational fluid dynamics (Microfluidics, Biofluid dynamics, Geophysical flows), Heterogeneous computing (GPU)
(853) 8822-4153 E11-3078
Research Interests:
High-dimensional statistics, Random matrix theory, Statistical machine learning
Research Assistant Professors
Research Interests:
Numerical Methods, Domain Decomposition Methods, Parallel Algorithms
Research Interests:
Partial differential equations in fluid dynamics, control problems and mathematical fnance, including stead compressible Euler equation, Bellman equation, master equation
Senior Instructor
Lung Yam WAN, Michael, M.Phil. (溫龍欽)
(853) 8822-8463 E11-3074
Research Interests:
Representation Theory of Lie Group, Mathematics Education.
Emeritus Professors
Research Interests:
Harmonic Analysis in Euclidean Spaces, Partial Differential Equations, Complex Analysis of One and Several Variables, Clifford Analysis, Time-Frequency Analysis, Signal and Image Processing (Edge Detection), Control Theory (System Identification).
Research Interests:
Random matrix theory (RMT), RMT, with applications to Multivariate Statistics, Wireless Communication Systems, Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions, Painleve Transcendents and Integrable Systems